How to get free advertisement
Every business no matter what the size is, should take advantage of the benefits offered by advertising. Any businessman worth his salt should be aware of why he should resort to advertising to make the public aware of his business.
Any businessman worth his salt should be aware of why he should resort to advertising to make the public aware of his business.
Advertising is not just the typical photo-caption placed in one full page of any newspaper or magazine. Modern advertising has taken many forms and a businessman can now apply a mixture of advertising strategies to popular his business including but not limited to public relations,

marketing and direct promotions.
The owner of a small or medium sized business will always have the problem of where to get that extra budget for advertising. Despite the glamour attached to advertisements, one need not spend much money to be able to do some advertising for his business.
A person can take advantage of the easy ways to create his own website for his business. Keep the website simple and easy to read and then promote the website to as many people as possible. This can be done by printing flyers and business cards that contain the website address and these can be distributed to his target market.
Another way to get traffic to his website is to write press releases or news articles promoting the site. There are sites accepting press releases for free but the releases should be newsworthy and not just plain advertising. Articles related to the products or services being sold can also be submitted to directories with a link back to the website.
Take advantage of hard copies and online editions of newspapers and magazines that offer free classified ads section. The space available for this is usually limited so make sure that the website address is given prominence. Make the headline catchy so anyone reading the advertisement would be encouraged to go to the site.
A businessman who knows how to write can start a column and write about topics related to his business. He can then place the address of his website at the end of the article or below his byline.
Participating in forums can also be a way to get free advertising. Search forums that are related to the products or services being sold and join the group. A person can participate in the questions and answers and can even pose his own questions.
Connect with other website owners with similar business and agree on a link exchange. The site owner can post a link to your website on his page and this can also be done for him. This can present plenty of opportunities for both websites.
And always give out thank you notes and cards to customers who have purchased the products. Remember them on special occasions as this is a way of keeping in contact with them.
There are a lot of opportunities for free advertising and the businessman only need to be creative so he can take advantage of those opportunities. In his bid to look for free advertising opportunities though, he should never lose sight of the goal of advertising and that is to inform potential clients about his company, to give them an opportunity to contact the company and the most important of all, to sell.