A lot of online entrepreneurs are under the impression that they have to do everything themselves and be everything to anybody. They want to do it all. The want to be the inventor, the creator, the author, the accountant, the graphic designer, the web designer, the copywriter, the tech guy, etc. This is very inefficient.
Investment in your Web Site DesignBy Abe CherianCopyright ? 2005
A lot of online entrepreneurs are under the impression thatthey have to do everything themselves and be everything toanybody. They want to do it all. The want to be theinventor, the creator, the author, the accountant, thegraphic designer, the web designer, the copywriter, thetech guy, etc. This is very inefficient.
Do only the things that you do well and then you paysomeone else to do the things you aren't good at or take along time for you to do. Other than saving money, there isno reason that you should even try to do everythingyourself. There is a strong relationship between time andmoney. That is that time is money.
Once you understand and appreciate that you will be moreefficient and less scared to spend a little money to getthings done fast and well. Even if it means freeing up asignificant amount of time. Who you are is communicatedthrough your website. There was another harmful mythcirculated amongst internet marketers that web designdoesn't matter as long as the sales copy is good.
This myth sprung from the philosophy that a site should bestripped down to it's bare essentials so that there isnothing to distract or confuse the visitor. That is true.But then someone took it a step further and said that webdesign doesn't matter at all - only the sales copy. That isnot true. Your website should look good, professional,classy, appealing, etc.
Online, surfers judge you by the quality of your sitedesign. They judge your credibility according to howprofessional your website looks. They judge your sincerityby how "classy" and "not cheesy" your website is. Theyassume your product's quality and the quality of yourwebsite are linked. And why shouldn't they? Your website isusually 100% of the experience they have with you.
They haven't met you in person, they haven't talked to youon the phone, they probably haven't heard about you beforethey came to your site. So, they land on your homepage, thepage loads, and at that point all they know about you iswhat is sitting in their browser window which is words andsite design.
A good web site adds to your credibility, professionalism,and builds trust with your customers because it indicatesthat you are a stable, successful operation. Not bad thingsin anyone's eyes.
If you split test a well designed, professional website anda homemade website with the exact same sales copy theprofessional site will out pull the homemade site. By howmuch will vary depending on the unique attributes of theprospects in that niche but Beyond just having a bettersite in the end, think of all the precious time that youwill save by having someone else do your site design.
Obviously sales copy is more important but assuming thatsite design is insignificant is not thinking clearly. Ifyou still aren't convinced. Look at it this way, you canspend two weeks learning how to code and do bad designwork, eventually producing a very amateur site, or you canhire a professional who, for $300 can do that work for youin 4 days and produce a much higher quality website.
That makes this an excellent investment. Have your sitedesigned by a professional. Designing it yourself is awaste of time and money. This can free up your time spentdoing other things to get your online investment rolling.
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