It’s been my experience that most entrepreneurs miss a very important step when it comes to the success of their businesses: they fail to plan. When you are your business it’s extremely easy to get caught up in putting out the latest fire or being distracted by the newest email. (I’m so guilty of this one that I now turn my email off when I’m working on anything but email!)
It's been my experience that most entrepreneurs miss a very important step when it comes to the success of their businesses: they fail to plan. When you are your business it's extremely easy to get caught up in putting out the latest fire or being distracted by the newest email. (I'm so guilty of this one that I now turn my email off when I'm working on anything but email!) In order to really be on an energy track of pulling in clients and growing your business, you must plan.
Some professionals that I've chatted with actually boast about not having a plan. They love that they're self-employed and feel entitled to freedom. I agree with the love of freedom, but if you want to have a juicy, dripping with clients business, you must set yourself up for that (because then that's what you'll get). I'm not a big sports fan, but I really doubt that the tennis players that just wrapped up Wimbledon went in with an "ah-let's-just-wing-it" attitude. Is your life and business really worth less than a tennis-match? I'm going to say, NO!
Energy Rich Entrepreneurs are excellent planners. They are always looking ahead. Charting when they want a project completed by and putting in place systems that guarantees it is completed. Now here's the jiggy-real Energy Rich Entrepreneurs don't limit their plans to only what they know. They create a vision, commit to it, and set about finding someone who'll know how to get it done (with results!) and is willing to help.
Energy Rich Entrepreneurs aren't afraid to ask for and receive help. They know it's the best way to win.
Now, let's also be honest, planning isn't all the rage. Planning isn't about instant pleasure. It's much more fun to just hand over the responsibility to someone else, right?
Well, let's do a re-frame: what about creating your own vision? Seeing how you want it to look? Dreaming of how you want your business to be…believing it can happen…going about crafting the steps along the way…doing what it takes to charge your goals and dreams with energy.
That's exciting. Let's get to it!
Take out a calendar.
Look at the next 90 Days (approximately 3 months).
What would you like to have completed by that time?
What would you like to be doing differently?
Create a 90-Day action plan for yourself that has your bigger year and life vision in mind.
Keep it somewhere you can see it.
In 90 days…repeat :) This keeps the energy moving forward!
Best Kept Secret to Headlines That Get Results
One question I get from clients all the time is, "How do I connect with ideal prospects though online sales pages in a way that is authentic, creates a heart-to-heart connection AND generates income?" Then I love to share my five proven steps to EnergyRICH® Soul-filled selling success so you can easily create attention-grabbing headlines and Soul-filled, income generating sales pages (over and over again!)How to Quit Wasting Time and Build a Business That Gives You More Freedom, Money and Energy!
Creating business that gives you more freedom, more money and more energy isn't about knocking out a BIGGER to-do list - it's about prioritizing what most needs your time, attention and energy first, then doing it. Because let's be honest, being self-employed is extremely overwhelming and it can feel concerning in terms of what to do when, how much time to focus on this task versus that task.The #1 MUST HAVE Key To Eliminate Entrepreneurial Fear and Step Forward In Faith
If there's anything that's going to block your light, that's going to dim that lighthouse beam from within you, it is your engagement with lower-level energies. And when we are talking about level energy we are talking about - Fear and Doubt. There's nothing like fear to turn out the lights, and there's nothing like doubt to put a damper on your energetic signal of attraction.