Creating national expert status for your yourself gives you a tremendous competitive advantage. Find out how to get a celebrity edge using publicity and appearing on radio and TV show, and in Magazines & Newspapers.
Build Celebrity Status & Get the Media’s “Seal of Approval” You Can Become A Top Expert In Demand! Get NEW Clients!
1. Make a list of all of the topics you can discuss along with sub-categories. For example, a Workplace Expert would compile a topic list that included how to deal with gossip in the workplace, the dos and don’ts of asking for a raise, workplace etiquette, tips for traveling with the boss, harassment, climbing the corporate ladder, handling burn-out . . .
2. Create five talking points for each of the topics you list in #1. Talking points are statements in sentence format that present a concept or commentary. Example of talking points on the topic of “tips for traveling with the boss” are: “Do not drink alcohol and if you do, never become intoxicated” or “Being on the road with the boss is not a time to ask for a raise”. Under each talking point create several lines of discussion or commentary.
3. Create a well-developed BIO that stacks your most impressive accomplishments from the top down. The media will read just enough to convince them that you are their perfect expert. Lead with your credentials and education, special areas of expertise, and follow with accomplishments or companies you have worked for and any impressive media you have obtained. If you need help with your BIO contact
4. Develop your contact database in advance. Buy an online database service such as Bacons Directories.
5. Make contact with your media targets in advance to let them know you are standing by for them the next time they need a Workplace Expert. Send your areas of expertise as identified in #1, your BIO and your complete contact information including home and cell phone. When the media moves, they move FAST! If they cannot find you quickly, they will call someone else and you will lose your credibility.
6. Become well-read. Look for articles in major national newspapers and magazines that tie into your area of expertise. TV shows get ideas for programming everywhere. Once you spot a national article that you can expand upon or offer commentary on, you will want to contact the media using your contact database. Then send your talking points, bio, phone numbers, and of course, mention the article or breaking news event to which you are pegging your pitch.
7. Keep your eye on the news. Anytime there is breaking news that you can comment on contact your media database immediately and stand by for their call. If you are immediately available for an interview or willing to drop everything and head to a local TV affiliate for a segment, let them know this and include your closest major city.
8. Watch your target shows and subscribe to your target print media to learn the types of experts they have on the show or use in the article. You should also familiarize yourself with the interviewer’s style or the journalist’s work in your area. You always want to be pitching “next level” ideas, not something they just covered.
9. Invest in media training. The media loves a well prepared and media trained guest who knows how to convey information on the exact topic quickly and accurately (with no ummms). You will get one chance to be fabulous! If you are a great expert that the media can count on to do a great job, you will be asked back. Ask your media trainer to train you on your talking points. Contact Tony Trupiano at 313.730.0899 ( and he can run you through your talking points.
10. Tape yourself! These VHS tapes are very important in your marketing strategy and most shows do not offer a tape service. You can bring a blank tape with you to the studio and ask the producer to pop it in for you but you cannot count on this. Ask several friends and family to tape the segment for you so you can pick the best quality copy. You can order a professional copy from Video Monitoring Service and I recommend that you invest in a professional tape. Call them immediately, as they only have the programming available for a short period to time.