Financial Independence How our journey started
Our journey into network marketing and to financial independence started when we realized that our 3 college degrees did not guarantee us success and that so many other people who could care less about us, controlled our future more than we did.
Jeff worked at the headquarters of one of the biggest corporate scandals in history. For three years after the company filed for bankruptcy protection, he watched people take their belongings out in boxes until one day out of the blue it was his turn.
I was fortunate enough to get severance pay, but it was 11 days from my next service anniversary, which would have given me 2 more weeks of severance pay. To this very day, I still believe that this was no coincident. I believe that I was laid off at that time so that they could save that little money.
Because some companies do not have equal standards for all employees, Sharon spent time going through legal proceedings just to be considered equal. It was this culture, along with fact that we wanted to spend more time with our children, grandchild and Jeff's aging mother who is the last one remaining of our parents, we decided to take a look at controlling our own destinies.
Now we are running several home based businesses and we continue to publish articles that we feel will be beneficial to others who are following in our footsteps.
If you can identify with any of this, then we invite you to join us.
About the Hemp Network - A review of a medical marijuana company
About the Hemp Network - A Company ReviewThis simple little tip takes about 5 minutes and will help you to increase your sales.
One common mistake that I have noticed a lot lately is that many home based business owners are not taking the time to purchase and forward (I always ...A Comprehensive Analysis of the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The BP oil spill, also known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, remains one of the most significant environmental disasters in history. This catastrophic event not only devastated marine life but also had far-reaching impacts on the fishing and tourism industries across the Gulf Coast.