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Before even launching a product, new product KPI must be set in place, This is to gauge whether the product in mind is saleable or not.
Whenever there is a new product launch,

it is important that new product KPI is developed because this is how it will be measured. To start with, KPI is a short term or acronym for Key Performance Indicator. This is based on numbers and rating on several attributes that will gauge how effective a good or a process is. The score is then measured against a predefined target and if the process failed, an analysis needs to be made to identify the source of the process breakdown.Sometimes, a KPI is also called a KSI, which stands for Key Success Indicator. Key Performance Indicators are measured through metrics. Each metric has its own weight depending on its importance. Just like in judging contests, there are attributes that are scored and will be averaged to see if the new product is marketable and if it is a potential source of profit.The goals of the new product are essential in coming up with standardized measurements. The number one that is looked into in a new product launch is the cost of production. It is not feasible to create or launch a new product if the cost of production does not balance with the profit. One may create a top caliber product but it will not be beneficial since the return of investment is either minimal or it takes a long time.The second metric is demand. There is no justifiable cause developing a new product if there is no demand for it. This takes into consideration the market that is targeted and the buying power of the target market. Obviously, what is considered here is profitability. No matter how good the product is, if it cannot be supported by enough purchases, there is no profit involved. The company will just find itself groping and getting buried in unsold inventories.The other metric that is in place is quality. This has something to do with the products tangible assets. Is the product durable? Is the product meeting the specifications that customers are looking for? These questions need to be asked if a new product is developed. At the end of the day, it is still the customer’s satisfaction that will matter. With quality comes the usability. One needs to ask how useful the product is before launching it. Ideally, this question should be answered for prior to developing the product. Many products are made because they seem funny and trivial. However, people just realize that theseproducts will not last in the market since these are not necessities.The last part of the product metric is salability. Is the product marketable? Will it sell even if there are competitors? Ultimately, the end measurement of a product is profit. If a product does not generate income, there is no sense to continue its production since it cannot sustain the business.All these metrics are tied up to one another as far as new product KPI is concerned. It is of essence that these are weighted into fair categories and measured based on the importance of every metric to the company.