Internet Guruby BB Lee ... Guru's want you to believe they have the secret formula for Online Home Business Success. Use my success ... and you will make ... Would I Lie To Yo
Internet Guru
by BB Lee (C)2002
Internet Guru's want you to believe they have the secret formula for Online Home Business Success. Use my success strategies and you will make millions! Would I Lie To You?
Oh but first, plunk down $199.99 for my 500 page secret success formula report and you are on your way to Internet Success.
After you've paid your hefty fee for their "Professional" advice, you leave with emptier pockets and a sinking feeling they saw you coming. And the thought, "There's one born every minute," echoes in your mind. So, you square your shoulders and tread forward to take the advice of another "Honest To Goodness Internet Guru." And another, and get the picture!
Soon, you realize they all have a different formula and a different answer to Online Business Success. And you also learn that none of the Guru's have the secret formula to Business Success. In other words, what works for them, worked for them. It will not necessarily work for your business. Most people realize this after a few months and certainly after a year or two Online. No individual has the top secret success formula. Would I Lie To You?
Of course, listen to all the free advice and not so free advice you can get your hands on. Save this advice in your memory files for a rainy day. All this business advice running rampant on the Internet will help you to define what works and what does not work for you.
Consider all this advice your Online training. You're starting out a naive freshman, all bright eyed and eager to learn. You absorb all the bad and good advice like a sponge.
Next, you enter your sophomore period, a bit wiser but still a little wet behind the ears and susceptible to the tall-tale spinners. You eagerly experiment with every idea, plan, formula, book, strategy, you encounter Online.
Next, you graduate to junior status. You haven't mastered your craft, but you are beginning to realize what you are capable of accomplishing in your business. You are starting to develop your own strategies and ideas on business management.
And certainly once reaching senior Online status you realize the most important part of business success is using your own common sense and trusting yourself to make the right choices. Not that of another Internet Guru who mesmerizes you with his hypnotic hype. And of course, you can take this advice with a grain of salt or a dose of strong medicine. But, only if you want to. Now, Would I Lie To You?
BB Lee is Editor/Publisher Of SmallBizBits Newsletter!
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