Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a type of network technology that allows communication between 2 computers or groups of computers via a public channel, usually the internet. A virtual private network introduction requires an examination of the components of the network and how it differs from traditional, hard-wired network systems.
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a type of network technologythat allows communication between 2 computers or groups ofcomputers via a public channel, usually the internet. A virtualprivate network introduction requires an examination of thecomponents of the network and how it differs from traditional,hard-wired network systems.
What is a network? According to Webster's Dictionary, it is "asystem of computers interconnected by telephone wires or othermeans in order to share information." Before the internet,computers in different offices, cities or even countries couldtalk to each other like people could - through telephone wires.
As the needs for businesses to do that grew, telephone linesbecame replaced by higher volume wires, like T3 circuits, butthe concept was the same. For computer A to talk to computer B,there had to be a physical wire connection. For securityreasons, you would want to make sure that only your 2 computersused that line, so you would contract with a vendor to "lease"that circuit.
Now imagine if you have hundreds of computers all across thecountry, all needing to speak to each other and shareinformation. The cost of leasing private circuits to connect allof these computers together would grow with the distance betweencomputers and the number of connections.
But with the advent of the internet, connections no longerneeded to be physical. As long as each computer had access tothe internet, information could be shared across the internet inmuch the same way that it was when the computers were physicallyconnected. This is where the "virtual" part of the term VPNcomes in; a network exists, but it is virtual because theconnections are not hard-wired dedicated, leased lines anymore.
The last component of our virtual private network introductionis privacy. When networks were still run on leased lines, theissue of privacy relied in large part on the commitment of thecircuit provider to keep the integrity of their circuits, andtherefore the client's information.
But with a Virtual Private Network, privacy is achieved byencryption. When information leaves a computer on the network,it is encrypted in a certain protocol, or code. It is then sentin a private "tunnel" or pathway across the internet to therecipient computer, where it is decoded and received. No one canread the data while it is transmitting, or make any changes toit without it being rejected by the recipient, so the data issecure.
In order to create a VPN, you would need to decide who needs toshare information, in what directions, and how often. Next youwould need to prepare a listing of the hardware and softwaresystems you are currently using at each location. You might needto make changes so that the computers can talk to each othereasily.
You'll also want to consider just how important it is that yourdata remains secure. Now that you've reviewed this virtualprivate network introduction, you should move on to consideringthings such as what type of protocol you'll need and whichvendor(s) you'd like to work with.