Occupational Health focuses on making the workplace safer for all employees. The modern manufacturing company relies on many different machines during the production process. These machines require proper maintenance to ensure proper and safe functioning. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can work with your company to put procedures in place to keep everyone safe at the facility.
Occupational Health focuses on making the workplace safer for all employees. The modern manufacturing company relies on many different machines during the production process. These machines require proper maintenance to ensure proper and safe functioning. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can work with your company to put procedures in place to keep everyone safe at the facility.
One widely adopted option that the Certified Industrial Hygienist might recommend is implementing a lockout-tagout procedure to ensure the machinery is safe. Equipment should be frequently inspected and maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. When the power is shut off, a lock should be placed on the power source to ensure the machine is not turned on while crews are maintenance the machine. The tag on the lock indicates the lock should not be removed and the power should not be restored. This allows for the crews to operate safely even in a large facility with many employees. The lock can have one or several padlocks to ensure all employees are safe when the power is restored.
A Certified Industrial Hygienist will make an onsite visit to your facility to witness firsthand how all job types are performing their daily duties. Detailed notes will be taken and compiled into a comprehensive report, along with recommendations for areas of improvement. The specific recommendations may include procedural changes or recommend issuing Personal Protection Equipment specific to certain job roles. An employee working from heights could benefit from fall protection to avoid accident or injury from the inherent danger of the height. A harness would be issued to fit that particular employee and their body type. The harness should be required to be used by the employee every time the work at a height. An unused harness sitting in the locker room cannot keep the employee safe. Management of you company need to keep the employees accountable for utilizing the equipment every time.
Click hereto contact a Certified Industrial Hygienist to work with your company and focus on Occupational Health. The Occupational Health and Safety at the facility starts with the management team enforcing safety procedures and policies in place. A culture of safety at the workplace can then begin to grow. Safety is a top concern for any successful manufacturing company that wants to be relevant in the future. The first step starts with reaching out to a Certified Industrial Hygienist to start the process of improving the working conditions at your facility.
Occupational Health Overcomes Everyday Hazards
Many workers face different types of hazards on a daily basis. Each company has a responsibility to proactively protect their employees from hazards encountered in the workplace. Accidents or injuries can bring production to a halt, reduce the workforce while the employee is recovering and lead to costly worker compensation claims. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can help your company improve the Occupational Health present at your facility.The Risk from Asbestos
Asbestos poses a major health risk in many office buildings and homes due to the wide adoption and usage of asbestos as an insulator in the construction process. Asbestos can be found in the glue beneath vinyl flooring or in material applied to concrete to regulate the temperature between floors in an office building. These buildings and homes are being remodeled and modernized as an update to the space, but the demolition process can be hazardous if asbestos is present. Test for asbestos prior to starting your next remodeling project to ensure workers are safe.Communicating the Dangers with HazCom
Hazard Communication focuses on explaining the dangers present at the workplace. The employees have a right to understand the hazards present and how to remain safe on the jobsite. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can work with your company to fulfill the HazCom requirement set forth by OSHA.