JAZZ UP YOUR OFFICE FOR ... To Create A ... And ... Work SpaceOne benefit of ... is ... ... When you are more ... you use your time more wisely, so
How To Create A Comfortable And Effective Work Space
One benefit of organization is increased productivity. When you are more organized, you use your time more wisely, so you have more time and
energy to do what you enjoy. To be more productive, make your office a place you enjoy being. Here are ten tips to make your workplace more fun, even if you work from home.
1. Paint the walls (or just one wall) a striking color that you love.
2.Hang wallpaper or a simple border.
3.Re-arrange the furniture for a fresh perspective.
4.Hang some beautiful art on the walls.
5.Add new plants, a fountain, an aquarium or a lava lamp. Be sure that if
you have live animals such as fish, that they receive the proper care when you are away.
6.Put a small boom box with quiet music in your office.
7.Open a window in the springtime to get fresh air and hear the birds.
8.Have family or friends' photos displayed where you can see them but use tools such as shelves or wall space, so they don't infringe upon your workspace.
9.Display a few pieces of your favorite memorabilia where you can see it.
10.Get into the habit of clearing your desk ten minutes before you leave each night. A clean desk is a great way to greet the day.
If you make your workspace a more enjoyable place to be, you'll get more
Done, you?ll spend more time there and you'll be happier in the process.
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