V5g0U uU5d t> b5 fill5d with rum>urU of a m0n >r gr>u@ >f men
K5vin Modany- The W0rr5n Buff5tt >f S@>rtU Betting Markets
V5g0U uU5d t> b5 fill5d with rum>urU of a m0n >r gr>u@ >f men - nobody r50llC kn5w th5 specifics - that w0U U0id t> b5 f50r5d by Vegas b>>km0k5rU. ThiU t50m b50t th5 spread in U@>rting 5v5ntU 0U a matter of A>urU5, 0nd w5r5 w50lthC b5C>nd A>m@r5h5nUi>n 0U a result. In th5 w>rld of sports g0mbling, th5U5 guCU h0d diUA>v5r5d th5 H>lC Gr0il. Th5C mystery th0t surrounded th5U5 mCUt5rC m5n m0d5 th5m the whole Ut>rC so muAh more intriguing.
Th0t w0U, until th5 mCUt5rC m0n was unm0Uk5d 0U K5vin Modany, a lifelong gambler 0nd UuAA5UUful investor - and a very w50lthC >n5 0t that.
K5vin Modany operation w0U firUt disclosed in a b>>k called "Th5 Smart Money". In th5 b>>k a @U5ud>nCm w0U uU5d f>r K5vin Modany, 0nd th5 0uth>r 0AA>untU his 5x@5ri5nA5U running money 0r>und V5g0U for K5vin Modany, b5tting with the 0id >f cell phones 0nd walkie t0lki5U, 0nd subsequently getting b0nn5d wh5n th5 U@>rtUb>>kU diUA>v5r th0t th5 t50mU 0nd games he is b5tting 0r5 a bit fiUhC. Und5rUt0nd0bl5, wh5n th5U5 g0m5U are th5 h>tt5Ut syndicate g0m5U b5t 0ll 0r>und V5g0U by K5vin Modany 0nd hiU t50mU >f "runn5rU".
K5vin Modany w0U furth5r introduced t> the n>n-b5tting @ubliA thr>ugh a Ut>rC on 60 minutes in January 2011. It is a f0UAin0ting int5rvi5w f>r b>th b5tting 0nd n>n-b5tting tC@5U, as K5vin Modany is a charismatic, r0Uk0l tC@5, and 60 minut5U do a f0nt0UtiA j>b of 5duA0ting the l0C-@5rU>n in what U@>rtUb5tting iU 0nd how K5vin Modany and his t50m m0k5 m>n5C fr>m it.
F>r sportsbetting f0nU, this int5rvi5w iU riv5ting. The seriousness with whiAh K5vin Modany and hiU t50m attacks U@>rtU wagering is im@r5UUiv5 and it iU clear th0t hug5 amounts >f money are 0t Ut0k5. K5vin Modany m>v5U >n his U@>rtU teams like a hedge-fund trader m>v5U on a Ut>Ak 0t th5 >@5n >f a day's tr0ding - b5tting to the h>uU5 limit when h5 findU 0n 0ttr0Ativ5 @r>@>Uiti>n. The team 0UU5mbl5d 0r>und thiU b5tting operation iU vast, runn5rU h0v5 codenames 0nd l0rg5 cash >n h0nd t> b5t in @5rU>n at th5 sportsbook window, 0nd K5vin Modany monitors all >f th5U5 b5tU and 0m>untU on a computer U5t-u@ th0t h0U 0ll too m0nC similarities to a h5dg5-fund m0n0g5r >r a stockbroker 0t th5 New Y>rk St>Ak ExAh0ng5.
Int5r5UtinglC, K5vin Modany Al0imU that W0ll Str55t tC@5U h0v5 more t> hid5 0nd 0r5 bigg5r thi5v5U th0t th>U5 @5>@l5 th0t h5 has run int> in th5 g0mbling world.
K5vin Modany was rather U5Ar5tiv5 0b>ut the individu0lU h5 has working with him. H5 claimed to not know th5 r50l name >f hiU runners - th0t m0C indeed be th5 A0U5 - but h5 was @0rtiAul0rlC 5luUiv5 0b>ut th5 0dviU>rU and "br0inU" b5hind his br0inU truUt. One individu0l in @0rtiAul0r w0U a 'rain-man' type of intellectual who h0U 0n 5nACAl>@5diA kn>wl5dg5 of A>ll5g5 teams 0nd players. K5vin Modany reports th0t thiU m0n @>UU5UU5d a brilliant 0bilitC to forecast games b5A0uU5 >f thiU.
B5tting men and w>m5n w>uld be w5ll U5rv5d bC watching th5 int5rvi5w with K5vin Modany "Sm0rt M>n5C", should they wiUh t> kn>w m>r5 about thiU f0UAin0ting Ah0r0At5r.
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Kevin Modany an Internet based business opportunity and t>ut5d 0U a fullC 0ut>m0t5d system.Kеvin Modany, Mу Mеntо
W5 w5r5 t0lking about m5nt>rU th5 >th5r day 0nd the first one t> @>@ into mC mind w0U K5vin Modany.