All one of us aspects forward to a happier, safe and healthier life. Unfortunately, all this is not simple, but one desires to struggle for. We spend one third of the life in accepting what we necessity to do.
Each one of us looks forward to a happier, secure and healthier life. Unfortunately, all this is not easy, but one needs to strive for. We spend one third of the life in understanding what we need to do. When it is time to do something, we get so engrossed in it that we hardly have the time to enjoy the life given.
We earn, but we need to learn as well. We go through life but it is equally important to grow through.
Similarly, organizations are set up with the core objective of making money “earn “. As the organizations earn, they forget to learn. They forget to learn the new tools and techniques to relieve the strain and the stress.
In life as we go through, we learn to meditate – to focus on the inner self; to focus on the inhaling and exhaling of each breath – each and every moment of existence.
In lean, organizations are taught to focus, to observe on each and every activity: to inhale the value adding and to exhale the non-value adding (MUDA), on a continual basis.
During this process, the more we relax, the more we observe and the more we understand and the more we improve.
Continual improvement is lean. It is a journey, it is life!! We cannot run away from the processes and the activities, we can simply observe, understand and make them better.
The more the understanding, the better the health of the financial statements and the employees.
Meditate, observe, understand, and improve each activity in each and every aspect of the enterprise. The organizations will be fitter and flexible to all the dynamically changing needs of the internal customers – like internal organs in the body and the external customers – like the relationships we build.
We feel happier secure and at home. Lean is meditation, which needs to be practiced daily by one and all in the organization.
Lean Services in the Manufacturing Industry
Lean manufacturing training services like 5S, TFM, TPM, TQM, TSM, THM on Oil Sector, Steel, Automobile, Healthcare, Education, Chemical etc.Why CEOs need a Business Coach
Business Coaching means important or shadowing, declaring or challenging, authorizing or questioning, support or pushing as and when required.The Deeper Understanding Of Lean
For decades now, lean is understood as a methodology to identify, reduce and if possible eliminate the waste; a philosophy for reducing the through put time; being world class etc.