Lease Apartments With These Features
outlines what renters should look for when they lease their next apartment
If you are searching for an apartment,

you probably are interested in many different amenities and features. But how important is safety and your overall well being? Most people express safety as one of their most important features that the property must have. But what exactly separates a safe apartment from a non safe apartment home? There are actually a whole host of items that can separate the two.
Its up to you the renter to do your own research to discover what the security features at the property include. We have included some important items that you will want to be aware of. Remember there is nothing more important than your safety.
The Security Gate
If your apartment community does not have a security gate this may raise a red flag if you are living in a large city like Houston, Tx or Atlanta Ga.
Many apartment communities are guilty of having faulty gate systems or gates that break constantly. This can allow non-residents to enter the community at will. This can lead to increased car break-ins and other types of crime.
Some security gates require a gate code. Many times these gate codes are compromised and the codes are passed around. Some apartments rarely change the codes and this can be a problem.
The best types of gated access require the resident to have a key fob. That way it will be nearly impossible for a non-resident to enter unless they jump the fence.
Security Guards
When their is a security guard who walks the premises it can create a sense of safety. Criminals who want to commit a crime may choose to do it elsewhere if their is a security guard walking the area. Many apartment communities will also have police officers who live within the community. It gives many people the piece of mind they need.
Research Crime on The Property
Many police departments will post the crime that has occurred on the certain property. From car break-ins to assault, there will be a list of every crime that has been reported to the Police Department. Remember, that if you are living in a large city there will probably be some crime reported at the property. This can range from car break-ins to other more serious crimes on the property.
You can also use an apartment locator to help you with your search.