In the world of event planning and personal assistance, there's a common misconception that all Security Industry Authority (SIA) license holders are created equal. This belief often leads to the assumption that choosing a large, well-known security company guarantees the best value for money. However, this is not always the case. In fact, smaller security companies often provide superior service and value.
Many event organizers and personal assistants are drawn to large security companies, believing that their size and reputation guarantee quality. However, this is not always the case. In fact, the sheer size of these companies can often lead to a decrease in the quality of service provided. With thousands of SIA license holders on their payroll, it's impossible for these companies to guarantee the quality of each individual employee.
The SIA promotes the idea that holding an SIA license is a guarantee of high industry competence. However, industry insiders and security forums often tell a different story. In reality, large security companies often prioritize quantity over quality.
To fully understand why large security companies may not always be the best choice, it's important to understand the role of the SIA. The SIA was created to regulate the private security industry, which had a public perception of being associated with criminal elements. The SIA's main tasks are to reduce criminality, raise standards, and identify quality service providers.
The SIA has two main responsibilities: licensing individuals undertaking designated activities within the private security industry, and managing the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme, which measures private security companies against independently assessed criteria.
However, the SIA's influence has led to a misconception that all SIA license holders are of the same standard. This has resulted in event organizers and personal assistants neglecting to research the backgrounds of security companies and their staff.
While the SIA's existence may have been necessary to regulate the lower end of the security spectrum, it did not apply to those working in Close Protection. These individuals were self-regulating and highly concerned about their reputations, only working with those they knew and trusted.
Smaller security companies often provide more versatile and high-quality services. They have greater control over their staff and their personnel often have a different mindset than those working for a corporation. They take great pride in their work, are highly experienced, and carry a level of professionalism that cannot be matched by large companies.
While the initial cost of hiring Close Protection Officers from smaller companies may be higher than hiring Door Supervisors from larger companies, the value for money is significantly greater. Close Protection Officers are able to carry out a wider range of security-related tasks at a higher standard than Door Supervisors.
So how do you choose the right security company? The best way is through word of mouth; recommendations, testimonials, and references from people who have had a great deal of satisfaction from using a particular company. Remember, small security companies know that they are only as good as their last contract and will go above and beyond to ensure you receive the highest quality service.
In conclusion, when it comes to security, less is often more. Smaller companies often provide superior service and value, proving that size isn't everything.
For further information about this topic, please contact us or visit our website.
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