Your company’s organizational strategy is centred around the development and communication of your Organization Chart. You should define the development path of your business through your Organization Chart.
Your company’s organizational strategy is centred around thedevelopment and communication of your Organization Chart.The Organization Chart takes the form of a graphicalrepresentation of the positions in your company. The topPosition in the company (i.e. CEO or General Manager) isplaced at the top of the Organization Chart. The variouslayers of management and supporting Positions are thenarranged under the relevant management Positions right downto the lowest levels of the Organization.
Your Organization Chart not only defines the Positions inyour business but the Employees assigned to those Positions.The Organization Chart clearly communicates the managementand reporting structure of your business, specifically whoan Employee assigned to a Position reports to directly.
It is extremely useful when developing your OrganizationChart to take the time to design how you want your companyto be structured when it is ‘finished’ being developed. Thisapproach will have the effect of setting a path for thedevelopment of your company. Once defined you and yourEmployees take the actions required to make it a reality.
Develop the Positions in your Organization Chart to berepresentative of specific work roles in your company. Youshould not develop your Organisation Chart based on theemployees you currently have in the company, rather youshould develop the Positions based on logical groupings ofwork. One of the benefits of developing an OrganisationChart is that it enables your company to become lessdependent on specific employees and more dependent on thestructure that you have developed.
An Effective Organization Chart: - Communicates to your staff where you plan to take the business. - Makes it easy to show new employees where they fit into the business. - Gives you the opportunity to evaluate your current employees and how they fit into the future of your business. - Shows existing employees what options they have for career advancement. - Leaves no question as to who an Employee assigned to a Position should be reporting to.
Depending on where you are in the development of yourcompany you will probably be filling many of the positionsyourself. By choosing a position and actually defining anddocumenting the systems the position is responsible for youcan readily employ someone to fill the position. This allowsyou to begin the development of other positions in thecompany.
You will get to a point where all of the positions in theOrganization Chart are developed and you will have employeesassigned to these positions. This allows you to begin takinga more strategic role in the development of your business orto take a step back and enjoy the freedom that a welldefined business allows you. This is a great place to reachand is a huge step in your business’s development and yourown personal development.
Company Organization Chart
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