Make these decisions at the end of your apartment lease
Maybe your apartment lease is coming to an end. If your in this particular situation you will have a few choices that you will need to make. We have listed some apartment lease options that you will need to mull over. Read on to find out what they are right here.
Stay Where You Are
If you want to stay where you are all you will have to do is renew your lease. The apartment community will slip a renewal form underneath your door or place it in your mailbox. Expect this form anywhere from 60 to 90 days.
If you would like to renew your lease just select the term of the lease of applicable, sign the form, and drop it back off at the leasing office. Remember once you do so, its just like signing a new lease. The one item that may change is your rent. You may find that it has gone up. However, if you do a long term lease, you may get a month or two free.
Rent A Different Unit Within The Same Community
If you would like to move into a different unit but stay in the same apartment community visit with the community manager. They will provide you with the options that may best meet your needs. Maybe your family has grown and you need a two bedroom apartment.
Move Out
Advanced notice is required when you want to move out of your apartment community. You can find out the exact requirements when you read your lease. Its customary in most cases to provide 30 to 60 days minimum. Its best to provide a written letter stating your intent to move out.
Go Month To Month
Maybe your not sure what you want to do. Many communities will allow you to go on a month to month lease. Be careful though because the rent will increase to a market rate.
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