Making a minibus safety check
Making a minibus safety check and how to best go about this.
The School Minibus Pre-Drive Safety Check
Do this before every journey. Walk around the vehicle,
including the trailer, if applicable, to check for visible defects, and then check the items listed below.
Exterior check (check OK or NOT OK)
- Oil level
- Coolant level
- Windscreen washer fluid level
- Brake fluid level
- Windscreen & windows clean and undamaged
- Lights including brake lights and indicators are clean and working.
- Tyre pressures, including spares (and inner tyres and tyres on trailer if applicable)
- Tyre tread, including spares (and inner tyres as above). At least 3 mm across centre ¾ is recommended. Any cuts and bulges?
- Doors open and close properly
- Trailer brake lights and indicators work, if applicable
- Roof rack or trailer is properly fitted, and all luggage securely held.
Interior check (check OK or NOT OK)
- Mirrors correctly adjusted, clean and unobstructed
- Position & function of all dashboard controls
- Position of driving seat so all pedals can be operated comfortably
- Pressure on brake pedal
- Lights & indicators are working
- Wipers & washers working properly
- Fuel level (and type of fuel)
- Seat belts are undamaged and working properly
- Location of wheel brace and jack
- Location and contents of first aid kit & fire extinguisher(s)
- Location of relevant paperwork (permit, MoT etc)
- Change for parking or telephone (mobile/phonecard)
- Luggage securely stowed; aisles & exits clear
Brake Checks
- Check brakes before loading minibus passengers. With engine running, check handbrake is working properly & brake pedal is firm when pushed
- Conduct a moving brake test, off the road, if possible. Reach a speed of not more than 15 mph check mirrors and, if safe, apply brakes fairly firmly. Brakes should work efficiently; vehicle should not pull to one side; luggage should remain secure.
If faults that might affect the vehicle's or passengers' safety are found, the vehicle must not be used until they are all remedied.