Making an HR Scorecard Work For You

Feb 10


Adam Smith

Adam Smith

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Learn how to use an HR Scorecard effectively.


So you have just been hired as a high level Human Resources Manager and you are feeling a little overwhelmed by the 5,000 employees you are responsible for? Well congratulations on your promotion and good luck managing 5,000 employees. Undoubtedly you will want lady luck on your side but you didn’t get to where you are today without making the most of the tools and people around you. So before you panic you should take the time to learn about the HR balanced scorecard.

As you might imagine an HR scorecard can help you manage those who fall under your human resources umbrella in a feasible and efficient manner. As you well know,Making an HR Scorecard Work For You Articles human resources typically tracks HR metrics related to performance and other key issues regarding your employees. All this information is worthless if it cannot be viewed and shared in a simple yet effective manner. Fortunately an HR scorecard provides just the tool. An HR balanced scorecard can be employed to spread information across all levels of the information, ensuring the lines of communication between HR and floor managers are open and clear. Working together a Human Resources manager such as your self and an Operations manager can see to it that the company’s human capital – its priceless employees – are used in an optimal manner.

Opens the Line of Communication – An HR Scorecard facilitates real time distribution of information. Open access to information vital to the success of the company affords each manager the opportunity to react to issues and problems in a timely matter, meaning no more waiting for time sensitive information to trickle down to the appropriate managers. This open line of communication also ensures everybody is on the same page and that no one is left behind.

Improves Performance Management – Sharing and distributing real time information across the Human resources and Operations department’s results in better performance across the board. Because Operations managers have access to the vital HR metrics, thanks to the HR balanced scorecard, they are able to make the timely decisions which result in higher productivity levels.

Streamlines Records of Employees – Just as an HR scorecard proves extremely beneficial to an Operations manager it also helps take some of the burden off your own shoulders. As an HR manager you can be confident that you have accurate and updated records of your employees’ performance and other vital metrics in a centralized location – the HR balanced scorecard. When you need information you know where to go. There is no need to store employees’ records in a file cabinet because the HR scorecard digitalizes all these important records.

Your job is too important to rely solely on your own abilities to get the job done. The tools to make your job easier are openly available to you, so you might as well take advantage of them. Not making use of an HR balanced scorecard will not only make your job that much harder, but it will also put you at a disadvantage against your competitors who are surely employing their own HR scorecard solution. And if they aren’t then you can gain your own competitive advantage by employing an HR balanced scorecard today.

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