Get off the feast or famine rollercoaster and discover a simple, and tasy 3-step solution to boost your marketing success.
Have you ever experienced the feast of having many profitable clients wanting your services at the same time, to entering a period of famine where no one seems to want anything to do with you?
I have a solution to help you even-out your sales cycle. Eat more M&M's.
If you are experiencing the "feast or famine" rollercoaster ride right now, I want you to take a deep breath, pop a few M&M's in your mouth to nourish your body, and relax so you can concentrate on what I'm going to tell you...
Business growth happens for one major reason ' more clients want your services.
The catch is they have to know you exist before they can be attracted to you, and willingly open their wallets to make a purchase.
So, how do you get more clients? The answer is simple - Marketing.
Most of us start our businesses business because we want to help others, and we have a passion for what we do. We love coaching, massage therapy, or opening a retail boutique to sell one-of-a kind treasures. Often, we don't think thoroughly about the "other" required arts and sciences of going into business, like developing financial budgets, and Marketing.
Yet, we have to market our businesses if it is to survive. If you neglect marketing your products and services, you won't have much of an opportunity to grow your business.
Marketing your business in a consistent manner lets potential clients know you exist...and this is right where most people fail in their marketing efforts because they don't have a marketing system they consistently work at each week.
Following is a simple and tasty 3-step formula you can use to successfully market your business, and at the same time be rewarded for doing so!
1. Choose three marketing activities you can do consistently on a weekly basis. Examples you can use are:
* Attend a networking event
* Write and post an article
* Schedule a speaking engagement
* Participate in an online discussion group with your market niche
* Send a weekly promotion to sell a product to your email list
2. Do these three activities consistently for 30 days. Keep at it, and focus on making sure you actually do what you planned to do.
3. Every time you successfully complete a marketing activity, eat an M&M. The more marketing activities you do, the more M&M's you can eat, and the greater your income will grow! Remember...
More Marketing = More Chocolate = More Income
I guarantee that if you follow this simple 3-step formula, you will begin to see positive income results from your marketing efforts.
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