Web promotion is essential to any online business. This is where you not only generate traffic to your website, but also bring about credibility, branding, and sales. However, like any other marketing task, this is not an easy task to do. Patience and resourcefulness are key factors to establishing success in marketing your site.
Web promotion is essential to any online business. This is where you not only generate traffic to your website, but also bring about credibility, branding, and sales. However, like any other marketing task, this is not an easy task to do. Patience and resourcefulness are key factors to establishing success in marketing your site.
A lot of times, one marketing plan is still insufficient to get the desired number of visits in the site. And because of this, frustration and hopelessness get in the way. This is natural. But it is wise to still have plenty of marketing plans to try on. If budget constrains you from taking this bold step, there are a lot of ways that do not need payment. The Internet has a lot of choices to offer, so why not take advantage?
I have compiled some marketing tips that are very easy to do and not costly. Below are choices and ideas you could try when promoting your site:
1. Search engines don’t do miracles. Do not wait for search engines to pick up content from your site. Do your homework and submit URLs to various search engines. I have read about how search engines indexed web pages, either by directly requesting the search engine to index a specific web page, or by indexing automatically using a program called a spider, which will go through the Internet, harvesting relevant links.
Below are some of the suggested sites you may want to try on:
For more search engine lists see:
2. Just “link” it. I think this is the most common marketing strategy for all websites. Who wouldn’t be surprised? This is the most effective strategy. It really works, believe me. By linking to various websites, which of course should be similar to your site at least in theme, your site will have a greater opportunity to be viewed by a lot of people. Linking results in direct navigation of online users. Of course, by having as many links as possible, various search engines will likely pick up your site. Isn’t this great? You’ll be shooting two birds with one stone!
3. Sharing really counts. This statement actually means exchanging links with various websites’ discussion groups, made up of people who have same interests as your website. These discussion groups could take the form of bulletin board postings or chat rooms. It is best if you ask the permission of the website owner if you could exchange useful links with them. However, this particular marketing plan might be hard because it takes a lot of hard work to really find a particular discussion group that matches the interest of your website. But I should also add that whatever effort is exerted in this kind of plan will at the end be very beneficial, because it will definitely target people who are focused on the kind of topic you have in your site.
4. Be an online postman. Promoting your website may also be done through sending out newsletters to your visitors. However, take into consideration first if your visitor wants to receive newsletters or not. Opt-in mass email is more effective and legal in a sense. I know this is a tough task to do, but then it is also good to cater to your customers, to establish ties of loyalty with them.
5. Make way for print. Traditional print ads still have their uses. Do not focus on online tasks. Increase your chances with the help of the papers. Think of ways to materialize your marketing plans in print. It could be through business cards, industry papers, or better yet through the newspapers. Be creative in marketing your site.
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