Kick your passive revenue into high gear with this article, "Master The First Step Of Successful Product Development". Coco Fossland shows you how to increase and stabilize business profits. Learn what it takes to have an amazing product plan. Watch the endless benefits of understanding the formula necessary for creating an effective product. Take advantage of this often overlooked and misunderstood business-art and watch profits soar!
First, it helps you stay focused, on track, and committed to a clear, tangible goal. Without clear boundaries about what your product is and what ultimate benefit it provides customers, you might get stuck in the trap many first-time product producers fall into... the trap of never completing... It only makes sense that if you don't know what you're completing up front, how do you know when you've finished it??Second, it enables you to effectively describe your product to others. Chances are, when launching a new product, you will enroll the help or support of others during the process. Whether you decide to get input from experts, enlist a sales copywriter, or hire a web designer, having a clear, concise description of what your product is, what it does, and who it's for will make enrolling the support of others seamless.
Third, it lays the foundation for excellent marketing messaging. If you begin product development with a well defined audience and a specific ultimate benefit, you've made marketing a cinch! So often inexperienced product developers build a product first and then find an audience later. This can lead to having a product that no one really wants to buy. However, by considering your audience from the get-go, you can deliver the message and value throughout the product development process. At the end, building your marketing materials is an easy, seamless process. To build your own Product Definition Blueprint, answer the following twelve questions:
1. Name five reasons you would like to create an information product.
2. What subject(s) would you like to explore in your new information product? List 5 possible subjects.
3. What solutions or benefits could you provide to your audience in an information product format? List at least 10 possible solutions and benefits.
4. If you could only create one information product in the next 4 months, which one would be most exciting and rewarding for you to produce?
6. Who is your target audience? Who is your audio product for? Describe them in as much detail as possible. Describe their demographics, psychographics, interests, career, hobby, gender, marital status, etc.
7. What needs does your target audience have, that your product could in some way solve? Why do they need your product now?
8. What ultimate benefit or result will your information product deliver to your target audience?
9. What will your customer expect from this product?
10. In what format would you like to deliver your information product? Downloadable PDF files, downloadable mp3/wma files, software system, online accessible webpage, physical CD's, workbooks, special tools, reports, eMail delivery of content, other?
11. What is the name of your product?
12. By when will your product be complete?
Now that you've answered the twelve questions and built your Product Definition Blueprint, take a moment and feel the excitement of knowing that you have taken the first big step in bringing to life your information product!! Let yourself taste all the success, fulfillment, and possibility that will come right along with it!