Show people you know where you're going and make sure they'll want to be there along side you.
When you are presenting your opportunity to a new prospect that isn't familiar with MLM,

there's a good chance that they will tell you "Selling isn't my kind of thing". You will then deliever the proverbial MLM saying "You don't have to sell anything, you're just sharing this information". This happens to be a MLM argument...are we selling or sharing our products and opportunity?
If you've been around the network marketing industry you've heard the popular saying, "It's not about selling, it's about sharing." This is accurate to a degree. You are sharing the hard-earned knowledge to another person. This knowledge will benefit both of you as you help them build their trust in you and your business. However it might be taking it to the exteme to take selling out of the picture. This is a business, and after everything is said and done, money talks. If you haven't made a sale, then no money is talking! I think the MLM industry is about both.
Let's divide it up. You are sharing your business opportunity. You are sharing the idea of a better life with the income that can be earned. You are sharing stories about successful people in your company. Yet, you are even selling yourself as the leader who can help them. Not to mention the reality that you are actually selling some type of good. There is a product of some sort, and the trade of money does have to occur.
If you fail to make that rather fine distinction, you're setting yourself up for a position where you have a network of eager people prepared to share all they know with no actual earnings coming in.
To have a successful business in MLM, you do need to share your hard-earned marketing skills to your downline. Your success will then be able duplicate. You need to share our knowledge about MLM and share the simple system that will produce consistent results.
This however, is the easy part. Other names for this are sharing, training, mentoring or educating. Yet, it all comes down to helping those who will benefit you. But that's not the hard part. People seem to get caught up and don't complete the selling portion.
No matter what product or service you're marketing, there needs to be a sale. This is the core of your company. However YOU are what actually closes a sale. You are the only variable that is unique in the situation. To sell your products well, you need to sell yourself first. Perfect this part and the rest takes care of itself.
What's the best way to "sell" yourself? Be noticeable. Get out there on the internet. Blogs, Social Networking Sites, YouTube are great places to build your profiles and a following. Voice your opinions, and enter discussions. When chatting to a lead be confident, yet never overbearing. Keep the focus on them and what they want. People aren't looking to build a long-term relationship with a salesman, but they will stick around for a great leader.