Morse Code is a way to sand and receive information by a series of dots and dashed. In the early days of telephony communication, Morse Code was used to relay messages along telegraph lines.
Morse code is a way to transmit data with the use of "dots" and "dashes" to represent letters and numbers. This form of communication is commonly used by amateur radio operators. However, the understanding of Morse code is no longer required in order for operators to be licensed. Morse code is a simple way to communicate because only on-off tones, lights, or clicks are needed in order to transmit information. Morse code also exists for languages in which the alphabet consists of more than 26 letters.
Morse code has evolved over the years, but originally began as a communication system for Samuel Morse's telegraph in the early 1840s. 50 years later, when it was still not possible to transmit voices, Morse code was adapted for radio communication use. Today, amateur radio operators, US Pilots, and air traffic controllers use Morse code.
Morse code speed is calculated in what is called words per minute, or WPM. Each letter of the alphabet and number is assigned a sequence of dots and dashes. The more commonly used letters in the English alphabet are assigned simple sequences, such as 'E' (single dot) and 'T' (single dash).
Because there is no decoding device necessary for understanding Morse code, it's a very versatile form of communication. In emergency situations, Morse code can be sent using a variety of different methods, making it a very useful and practical way to transmit data or messages. The understanding of Morse code continues to be valuable knowledge, even though it becomes less and less popular as we advance into the future with technology.
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