The partitions or bricks are built with some type of clay or mud and water. Concrete blocks with prefabricated elements and made with fine concrete, which can be used in the construction of walls, as well as foundations.
When planning a vertical housing project, there is always concern and the need to know if it is going to be built with a block or with a partition. And sometimes the answer to this problem goes beyond tastes and appearances, since different aspects must be analyzed.
For example, the cost of the materials, the resistance that both the partition and the block can provide, as well as the different uses and appearance they give to the building should be assessed.
It is very important to take these aspects into account, but you should also be aware that both the block and the partition are materials that you can calculate to find their aesthetic, structural and economic efficiency. The key is: knowing which one is best for you.
On this occasion we will explain in detail how these two materials are and those aspects that you should look at. You will know which is more expensive and which provides greater durability and safety:
Mud or clay partitions
The partitions or bricks are built with some type of clay or mud and water. It is made in the form of a mold and baked in an oven at a certain temperature (it is a process similar to when making bread).
So that it can be resistant, it is left to dry in the sun. Due to this element, it is believed that the partition is a more thermal (hot) material than the block, but the temperature provided by a material also depends on other aspects, for example: the way to orient the space, the material with which it is used. covers or the height at which the slab is.
Concrete blocks
Concrete blocks with prefabricated elements and made with fine concrete, which can be used in the construction of walls, as well as foundations.
They generally have a prismatic shape, where the most common dimensions are usually: 10 x 20 x 40 cm, 12 x 20 x 40 cm, 15 x 20 x 40 cm or 20 x 20 x 40 cm.
The difference with the partition (which is put into an oven and left in the sun) is that the block is only allowed to dry. And on some occasions, as in Industrial Blaquiere, its preparation takes special care and is even done with steam.
For example, to produce them in an industrialized way, the blocks are created based on vibrioception, which guarantees high resistance, minimal drying shrinkage, and can cancel out the effects of efflorescence.
Which is more expensive?
In general terms, if you compare piece by piece, the partition is cheaper than the block. However, if you check how many partitions you need to build a square meter of wall you will realize that you require up to 50 pieces, while –to build that same square meter– you only need 12 pieces of block.
In conclusion, you should calibrate what is best for you by analyzing factors such as: cost per piece, per square meter, plus added material and labor.
Durability and safety
Something you should know is that the manufacture of partition is to some extent considered as something "artisanal", which adds a variable in terms of safety.
Partitions are safe materials, but they depend on the type of supplier that designs them, that is, in the market you can find quality partitions and others that do not necessarily meet the specifications and standards required by the central area of the country.
Which is a problem, especially in buildings or vertical housing projects.
On the other hand, concrete blocks are often made to comply with these standards and regulations, which is why they are the most used type of material in buildings throughout the country.
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