Teleco has installed the new NEC IPK II in it's office in New Jersey. A VoIP telephone was also installed in my home office. The VoIP telephone connects to the office telephone system over the Internet. There were several interesting things discovered during the installation process.
Previously, all VoIP phones that Teleco installed were on a LAN. The VoIP phone were installed on a router that was connected to the network over a Tie line. Nothing went out on the public Internet. This new NEC IPK II voice over IP phone is connected to the office telephone system in New Jersey using a standard cable modem connection. Nothing special was needed. The VoIP telephone was simply plugged into the router. I did use a power over ethernet adapter to avoid having to plug the telephone into an outlet, but that was just to cables neater. The only other set up was forwarding certain ports to the telephone using my routers NAT functionality.
At the main office in New Jersey, setting up the VoIP telephone was far more complicated. The telephone system needed a dedicated IP address. So we got another IP address from our provider and set the telephone system to use that IP. It didn't work. After several hours of trying different settings, I stumbled on an article on the web that solved the problem. A simple $20 switch was installed before the router. The phone system was then plugged into the switch, rather then the router. Everything came up immediatly after that.
Quality of the VoIP phone has been very good, but not perfect. There have been a few days when the Internet seemed slow and that caused some static on the phone. There is also a very slight, but perseptable, delay when you speak. The phone has also lost connection completely a few times, during conversations. To test the VoIP phone further, I took it to an office in New York and connected to the office telephone system at Teleco in New Jersey. The phone worked exactly the same even though it was in New York, 40+ miles away from the NEC IPK II telephone system in New Jersey.
Over all, I give the NEC IPK II VoIP phone a 9 out of 10. It's well worth the price.