There's tons of network marketers who are not doing their job in providing sound mlm tips to this industry. Instead, they are worried about themselves and how they can come out on top. I am interested only in the success of other people. These tips will give you insight on the type of marketing I use to generate prospects, cashflow, and residual income.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ontarian Ke'Chan Hawkins
In network marketing, the goal is to produce enough cash flow and leads through your sales funnel. The more prospects you generate, the more potential you have to embark upon residual income in a timely fashion. I want to give you some tips that's been helping me in my network marketing career to generate the right amount of leads, cash flow, and sign ups.
1. Postcard Marketing- Go and ask your up-line if their online marketing tactics match their offline tactics. Nine times out of ten, you will find that most network marketers have completely given up on direct mail campaigns, but I challenge you to rethink this venture. There is no better way to generate more network marketing prospects than with offline marketing. Postcards has become my favorite marketing vehicle, because people who are offline seem to be much more hungry than those online. There is a psychology behind direct mail marketing that most mlm junkies are not aware of, and once you master this marketing tip, you will never run out of leads or cash flow.
2. Newspaper Advertising-- Once again, going offline with you marketing will probably be the best move you will ever make in your networking career. Posting tiny little classifieds in your local newspaper on a regular basis will give you another perspective of how to target more prospects. I advise you to get your own 24 Hr. Recorded 800# when advertising in newspapers, because most people who are looking for a home business are not interested in talking with you right off the bat. They are more willing though, to get more information about the product or service that you are promoting. Use this tip wisely and it will explode your mlm list.
3. Word of Mouth-- Most have also given up on talking with individuals about their network marketing business. Have you ever heard of the 3 foot rule? If you are in MLM, more than likely, I am sure you have. I am willing to bet that the 3 foot rule was banned by most due to improper communication skills. Word of mouth is all about letting your prospect talk and answer all the questions while you sit and listen. The key here is to ask the right questions in order to qualify your potential lead into further dealings. Please don't miss this one tip. The new year is open to all who are willing to help others in need.
Utilizing the above network marketing tips will put more money in your pocket, more leads in your sales funnel, and more residual income for you and your family. Having the skills to generate prospects is half the battle. Developing your leadership and communication skills will play a huge part in closing your potential mlm partners, and duplicating the success you will now achieve.
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