Outsourcing- Key to Business Growth
There comes a point in the growth of our businesses where we realize we can’t do everything ourselves. We’re responsible for the entirety of our businesses, and both business and family obligations are important and take up valuable time during the day. Sometimes, we all reach that point where we are having to make critical choices between important tasks because we just don’t have enough time to get them all done.
So doesn’t outsourcing portions of our businesses to expert contractors make perfect sense? As a small business owner,

you have likely already outsourced to a bookkeeper or accountant to keep your finances in order. Chances are, you consulted with a lawyer during the establishment of your company and had assistance in obtaining your business license. A brick and mortar business usually hires people to answer the phones, write website content, and perform social marketing tasks and sales. If you do not have customers literally crossing the threshold, you do not need to have onsite staff. In fact, nearly every aspect of your business can be outsourced to outside contractors. Of course, your business needs you. You are the one who makes your company unique with your one-on-one personal interactions. You set the tone for your business. However, you do not need to be the one who packages your goods, sends the emails, or designs the website from scratch. Your attention needs to be focused away from the simple, everyday tasks and on the overall objectives, performance, and growth of your business.
The best contractor relationships start with an internal list.
Take a look at the entirety of your business, and write the tasks which are done during the day, week, month, and year. Look at the obligations which take the most time during the day. Highlight those activities which only you can perform, focusing on the value that each task provides. The rest of the tasks can be outsourced.
Making a list will help in the creation of a standard operating procedures (SOP) manual.
A SOP manual includes every task that needs to be done throughout the year. The manual also outlines the expected results, directions for performing the tasks, and account information. Writing this list is on you, but the implementation and maintenance can be performed through a trusted outside contractor. The SOP manual acts as a critical resource for your company, and its development is highly recommended.
Once you have decided on the contractors that you need, you’ll need to start staffing.
The best source of vendors is from other business owners. Their recommendations will usually be sound, as they wish to remain on great terms with you. If your business resources do not use the type of talent that you need, Shelancers.com, Odesk.com, Guru.com, eLance.com, Fiverr.com, and many other sites will have what you require. Unlike traditional employees, outsourced vendors are hired on a per-job basis. This caveat allows you to find the best fit to suit your needs. Like hired employees, every contractor has a set of strengths and weaknesses that you’ll discover during the completion of their tasks. If you are unsatisfied, or there is a conflict, there are many more people available who can do the job, without you having to face the human resources gamut. To move your business forward, outsourcing your work is fundamental. These vendors perform business essential tasks so that you can attend to the core functions of your business and push it to the next level.