Penile Papules: How To Remove Them
Sexual confidence is something that many men struggle to maintain throughout their lives. For those with abnormalities of the genital area, this can be even more difficult. Yet for at least one example of this type of problem, there are definitive solutions.
Pearly penile papules removal may sound like a tongue twister or a play on words,

but for many men around the world it as something they are desperately seeking.
Known scientifically as hirsuties coronae glandis, these small, bump-like structures are found around the ridge of the male penis. They are typically found in a single circumferential row or several similar rows and appear to be smooth, light-colored bumps that may take on the appearance of bristles or spines. They are typically less than three millimeters in diameter each.
These biological abnormalities are completely harmless and do not represent the presence of any type of disease or condition. They are present on an estimated 25 percent of all adult men and are more commonly found on uncircumcised and younger men. Both circumcision and the passage of time has been determined to promote the regression of these growths.
Pearly penile papules removal isn’t entirely necessary due to the fact that these growths contain no negative side effects and do not represent any type of medical condition. In fact, they are often attributed to increased sexual pleasure and an increased level of stimulation.
What they can be is aesthetically unpopular due to their odd, unusual appearance and the fact that they can easily be mistaken for evidence of various sexually transmitted diseases. Because of this, having them medically removed is possible via a number of various methods. Various creams, ointments and other home remedies for pearly penile papule removal are often found to be unreliable, leaving out-patient procedures of various types to be the most reliable.
Carbon dioxide laser treatment subjects the lesions to a carbon dioxide laser operated by a dermatologist. This breaks them down structurally and without affecting the surrounding area. Lidocaine and other topical pain relievers are used to numb the area and patients are typically able to return home immediately following the procedure. Redness and scabbing is common in the treated area and full recovery can take up to two weeks.
Electrosugery involves removal of the lesions by scraping them off the penis with a curette. This is typically done with the patient under local anasthesia and requires the affected area to be cauterized and possibly stitched up following the surgery to control bleeding.
Surgical excision is a similar form of pearly penile papules removal that involves the lesions being surgically removed using various instruments. The wound is then closed with sutures similarly to electrosurgery.
Pearly penile papules removal is not medically necessary in most cases, but it can mean the difference between insecurity with one’s appearance and a boost in self-confidence. Because of this, dermatologists can provide advice and insight courses of treatment that are both effective and convenient for all types of patients.