There are a lot of leaflet distribution companies in the market and you are free to choose any one of them. You just need to remember the points mentioned above and the rest will fall into place.
Leaflet distribution is still an extremely useful marketing tool even in this hi-tech age. It may sound silly,

but if you want to reach people fast and with ease, then leaflet is distribution is a great way to go. With leaflet distribution, people are forced to learn about your company.
If your leaflet and your products are interesting and catchy enough, then with the right leaflet distribution company you will get a very direct and cost effective method to advertise and publicize your company
Though there are new and more advanced technologies that have made life a lot easier but some things have remained the same. Unsolicited emails are far easier to delete than it is to throw away a leaflet. Leaflets have been used for advertising purposes, especially in UK, for many years. There are a lot of leaflet distribution companies in this country. If you want to hire a leaflet company to advertise your company or product, then there are a few things that you need to consider. Listed below are a few tips that you need to employ when choosing a leaflet distribution company. Hopefully this will help you in your choice and enable you to get the best quality service for your company. The points are:
• You need to know if the leaflet distribution company you are opting for will be covering the areas you want accurately, and will be using a professional mapping system NOT just the A-Z. There are leaflet distribution companies that only cover certain areas and not the whole of London. It is important to find out about the areas a company covers before you decide to use them.
• You have a budget for the leaflet marketing campaign and you need to find a company that will come within your budget. So, you must find out how many leaflets the company can distribute within a certain period of time and what will be cost of the leaflet distribution services they offer. Depending on this information, you can chalk out your marketing plan and your forthcoming leaflet distribution budget. You will have a clear idea about how much money to spend and how much time will it take to advertise your company properly.
• You should find out if there are any testimonials from other satisfied customers about the leaflet distribution company. This way, you can be sure whether the company you are opting for is reliable or not. Personal recommendations are always a great way to choose which leaflet distribution company to use.
• Another important thing to consider is the proof that the leaflets have been delivered.
Sometimes, leaflet distribution companies send SMS and emails confirming delivery, but it may not be completely true. So, you need to ask the company to provide proof. If you do not want to ask the company for this proof then ask them to distribute the leaflets in an area where you can personally check the progress or you can send someone to make the checks for you. If you are an Estate Agent you may have houses in an area that are empty – this is always helpful because you can then check the empty houses to see if the leaflets have been delivered. Also if you have friends or family in the delivery area you can check that they have received the leaflets too.
• Another thing you need to know is whether the company you are choosing accepts credit cards or that you can pay by BACS transfer. Beware of any leaflet distribution companies asking for cash payments.
• Finally, you must find out if the company is going to provide you with any kind of consultation. You may have a certain area in mind, but as you are not in the leaflet distributing business, it will be difficult for you to be sure which areas will be better for your marketing purposes and which are not. The best leaflet distribution companies can provide you with a consultation and mapping service. It will help you to choose the area that will provide the most advantageous advertising for your business. The Private Postman is a leaflet distribution company based in London with the best mapping system in the UK.