Getting Results. This is the primary role of the manager. An ... aspect of this role is creating and ... a positive work ... Why is it so ... Positive work ... i
Getting Results. This is the primary role of the manager. An important aspect of this role is creating and maintaining a positive work environment. Why is it so important? Positive work environments increase productivity, which in the long run—produce extraordinary results. Here are my five top ways to build a vibrant, energetic environment.
1. Positive Reinforcement. Acknowledge your employees contributions. This action demonstrates that you know and appreciate their efforts. It also shows that care about their personal development. Individuals always enjoy receiving positive feedback. Don’t you?
2. Delegate. Provide employees with ever-growing responsibility and the authority to get the job done. This makes your staff feel valued, trusted and respected.
3. “Learn From Mistakes”. Allowing your staff the freedom to make mistakes encourages them to work “outside the box” and to utilize creativity. If your staff feels they will be chastised for every error, they will become reactive versus proactive and productivity suffers.
4. Laugh and Have Fun. Laughter increases your energy level since you need to intake oxygen during laughter. By having fun, people become more relaxed and their creativity increases along with the effectiveness and productivity.
5. Teambuilding Exercises. Conduct exercises to build “esprit de corps”. Take your staff out for a pizza lunch or organize “walk outside meetings”. These exercises improve communication and foster synergy.
Building a positive work environment will improve your chances of success. Your staff will be energized, your leadership will be respected and energy will be high. So, what can you do today to bring positive energy to your work environment?