When currency is in short supply, trading for goods (bartering) is another method by which you can secure goods. Bartering can also be used to generate goodwill and secure services from others. Being prepared to barter is the first step towards a successful trade.
If you haven’t money on hand, bartering for necessities can enable you to secure the items you need. Bartering can also be used to generate goodwill and secure services from others. However, in order engage in a successful trade, you will need to be prepared.
When determining the best items to have on hand, consider these guidelines.
Remember that you are not purchasing items for your personal use when you shop for bartering merchandise. Trade items are an investment designed to get you a good return – a maximum profit. Don’t purchase junk, but look for good prices on good products that are in the mid-range of quality.
An example of this may be tools. When purchasing for yourself, you’ll want the best tools you can afford, but when purchasing for trade, good quality at a discount price is preferable. Collecting junk won’t help you secure good trades so you should learn the art of finding quality products at consignment shops, garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, yard sales and other outlets.
Take inventory of your skills as you consider items for trade. If you know how to make simple repairs, you could purchase slightly worn items at a deep discount and refurbish them yourself.
Look for things which can be used for more than one purpose. This will increase your trading opportunities and save storage space. Blankets, buckets, twine, rubber bands, basins, assorted fabrics, soap and duct tape all fall into this category.
It’s a good idea to learn a skill that will allow you to make your own goods for trade. One valuable skill is the ability to produce ammunition. For further information on the tools required for this you should research bullet swaging. Creating your own products for trade allows you to make items as they are needed using skills such as masonry, metalworking, pottery, candle making, foraging, sewing, soap making, and foraging.
Reference books on self-sufficiency are good trade items. Add entertaining fiction to your collection. Valuable literature will be that which offers both an entertaining story AND an education. Shop discount outlets for used books.
Creativity is your most valuable commodity. The ability to use something and then refit that item for other uses will serve you well. These things can be practiced now, training your brain to spot opportunities. Debi Pearl has written a wonderful work of fiction called THE VISION that promises to get your imagination reeling with possibilities. An adventure novel, it is set during a time of social, economic, and political unrest where the main characters must draw upon all they’ve learned in order to survive. Get your copy today and consider the possibilities.
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