Productive Employees Will Boost Your Business
Once upon a time during the Industrial Revolution, the average worker was thought to be motivated by one of two things - fear or incentive. Some worked harder for remuneration or promotion, while others worked harder for fear of discipline or losing their job.
While it still sounds familiar,

several studies conducted since the beginning of the 20th Century have shown that employees are motivated more by emotional factors such as recognition, autonomy and the meaningfulness of their role and duties.
The same studies found that unmotivated employees are more prone to absenteeism, are less productive and less likely to put in extra hours.
Follow the leader
The leadership skills of managers at all levels are the key to employee motivation. Those managers who rule with a rod of iron, perhaps assuming that their employees are there to do a job and get paid, will get the job done but at a bare minimum of productivity. Employees who are included in decision making, given as much autonomy as possible and who are given recognition for their work are much more likely to go “above and beyond” in their roles, as they will feel that they are making a difference to their company and their customers.
The motivation mirror
Paradoxically, even with the best will in the world, no-one can motivate another person. True, sustainable motivation always comes from within.
Managers must avoid positive pestering as much as the negative kind. Hanging over an employee’s shoulder shrieking “Good job!” at every opportunity will come across as fake and is likely to be every bit as counter-productive as breathing down their neck before a deadline. The best leaders not only inspire and lead by example, but look for the individual strengths and weaknesses in their employees and play to those. The best motivators are able to hold a mirror up to their employees and let them see their own potential.
Be yourself
There is a fear, especially among managers new to their position, that any trace of personality will be seen as a weakness and may even be used as some sort of weapon in future. While it’s true that it’s best not to treat colleagues to a full family history, it’s also true that leaders who do not give anything of themselves will never truly be able to inspire a workforce. Practising the art of empathy and active listening without judgement is what great leaders do every day.
People respond to authentic conversation, not management jargon.
No matter what type of business, employee motivation is a goldmine that doesn’t have to cost a penny.