Packaging plays an important part in enhancing your company's image and increasing value of a product. choosing the right package should not be taken for granted as it will greatly affect your goal of reaching to your target market.
Packaging is used to contain a product,
keep it safe, ship it, handle it, and put it on the shelf with an appealing label that draws the consumer to purchase it. A package can be used to promote the benefits of the product, be structured in such a way as to let the consumer know it has not been tampered with, and give the marketing illusion that what is inside is in perfect condition for use, and therefore more valuable to the consumers than the competitors' product. This sounds wonderful in theory, but the facts are that, products are being packaged so poorly that they are not making it into the hands of the consumer, and thereby not gaining ground in the marketplace.
In today's market the wrong package can kill a marketing strategy before it ever has a chance to take off. If you cannot reach your targeted audience with the right package, it no matter how wonderful, or how many benefits the product offers; if the consumer is not attracted in 3 seconds, the deal will not be made. Lets take a look at a few retail product packaging details that affect the consumers' decision, thereby affecting company profits of the manufacturer.
Food Packaging Materials:
These materials are used by the food manufacturing industry; consumers want packaging that is clean, and healthy in appearance. They want assurance that the package which contains their food products, is the best made. The packaging around the fresh agricultural food product should be clear, clean, and allow for easy visibility to the product inside. Labeling which obscures their vision; will result in their choosing an alternative product. Labeling is important and it should contain the needed information without being excessive. Pharmaceutical companies know the importance of correct labeling to ensure the drugs will benefit, not harm the consumer based on the information the consumer can read and acknowledge.
Briefly what this means is this; if you want your product to move off the shelf you must ensure the following:
A.The packaging should be to the highest standards in hygiene
B.The package should provide information beneficial to the consumer, in an easily read format
C.The packaging should either state clearly what it contains, or be clear enough that the consumer can see what is contained
D.If you want people to believe your product is worth the extra price over the competitor, then the marketing format should be perfect
People will buy, and pay more for products they trust. They will not even go back to a brand that disappointed them once, because they know that is not the norm. Keeping the consumers loyalty, depends on your ability to grab it in the first place with your product packaging.