If you are searching for Property Management Services In Whitefield then there is no doubt you are in the right place.
Coldwell Banker Brad Realty has curated the perfect solution for any property management services in Whitefieldyou may be looking for your beloved house, apartment, villas or complexes. We assure you that under our supervision your property will be taken care of with concerns to all aspects. May it be dealing with tenants, loan application or renovation to buying and selling - at affordable rates we guide everything with our expertise in the fields of property supervision and associated activities.
Our main branch is established in Whitefield from where we operate and deliver professional management services suited to your property. We ensure the satisfaction of both the tenants inhabiting and the owner. You can finally have peace and not worry about petty things like rent collection, legal arrangements, paint jobs required, supervision for the maintenance required and the list goes on. If you have multiple properties to be overlooked, we are here to help you in the best way possible.
Our property management services in the city of Whitefield include all things you can enlist from tenancy care to its management and monthly inspections. We find suitable renters for your property and work out all legal procedures from agreements to insurances. Our mission is to get the best of the deal for you at very affordable rates. We only charge a month of the rent and service taxes biding to the government norms against the issued services.
We undertake major renovation jobs for you at the lowest rates possible with top-notch services and also have an in-house maintenance staff services to take care of any problems faced by the tenants quickly and efficiently. With prior information, you can go visit your property and no we don't engage in the commercialization of your house or villa. We undertake every procedure legally and follow the renting ordeal through insured local brokers so that you don't have to worry about unpleasant situations.
If you are unsure about deciding the rent and how much to sell your property at- we are there to take you out of the pickle. We conduct an inventory audit according to the market trends and help you decide the best. If you are going to sell your property we help in finding the best buyer available and engage in the entire thing and legal complications till the time of delivery. We partner with you so that the best can be made out of a given property considering all its assets and physical surroundings which affect it's potential.
We discuss everything with you and follow your restrictions when giving your property out to rent. We take care of plumbing, fixture, and painting maintenance things and also repair things out when shifting to new tenants. The tenant can be mutually decided between the tenant and the owner and if required we can arrange for the same too. At reasonable service charges, you get to have everything perfected.
Coldwell Banker Brad Realty allows you to divide the term you want to keep the rest agreement to. We usually rent out on 11-month term basis to reliable tenants so that nothing unsavory occurs. We try to maximize your income generated from the property by enhancing all the aspects of the property which can increase its value.
Rental agreements and everything is laid out by our trusted advocates which keep both the renter and the owner happy. We help in registration processes to post-purchase of the property and assist in everything that can be involved in the process. We help you to keep your property in its time with our excellent and remarkable assistance and professional services.
If there is a sudden fluctuation in real estate prices we draw out the agreements with the tenants again so that you don't face any losses during market changes. And yes we take care of your villa, house or apartment for the duration may it be short or as long as five years according to your level of comfort and requirements. You can always count on us for quick and fast solutions to management issues in your property.
We draw out agreements and take security deposits so that when partnering with us you don't worry about anything which is not to your liking. We also have a legal team to take care of all the sale deeds and agreements with your best interest in our minds. The service charges only are fixed of 2% for sales consideration and 1month rent for rentals. We take care of any refurbishment which may need to be undertaken after a tenant vacates due to damage from the renter or from the security deposits they made.
Basically with the property management services of Coldwell Banker Brad Realty in Whitefield you have got everything covered so that the bridge between you and your property persists in, it's best.