If you think that Network Marketing is a very tedious profession and traditional in its outlook, you need to think again! The next statement will change the way you view Network Marketing.
Most Multi-level Marketing or Network Marketing companies today have embraced the delights of technology. A perfect manifestation of this statement is the global network marketing company, QNET. It has redefined the way people perceived multi-level marketing over the years. I must say that this network marketing company is on a roll! They have increased their list of accomplishments at a very rapid pace and continue to do so.
The network marketing company has introduced an innovative form of ePayment system for its Independent Representatives. IRs can gain access to the payment portal any time and manage their commissions with ease. They can check their account balance, transfer funds to their bank accounts and even review their transaction history. In a very secure manner, Independent Representatives can successfully manage their finances. The introduction of such a system contributes to the decrease in the number of false write-ups like QNET complaints.
Another interesting development in QNET is the mobile version of the payment portal which has been recently introduced to its Independent Representatives. The inception of smart phones has augmented the convenience level for everyone. Add to this trend the idea of banking and you have concocted the delightful combination of mobile banking. The network marketing company has used this exciting trend and IRs are all smiles! This is evident in their reactions, which have been recorded on the company’s blog page. Here are some of their comments: “You are the best!!!!!!!!!”, “A true business way, it is changing the networking way”, “It is fantastic: always looking for ways to improve the business and the tools for us (IRs).” In front of such comments, QNET complaints don’t seem to hold any kind of validity.
Mobile banking is a big trend! Research has stated that by 2013, number of mobile banking users will increase to 530 million! This is a huge growth and will certainly lead to some positive changes. It will definitely work in favor of this network marketing company. They have also ensured that Independent Representatives will not face any difficulty while accessing this innovative system. The procedure is quite easy to follow. On the web browser of your smart phone, type www.qashout.com/smart and you can enjoy the hassle-free access to your money. Another exciting part is that ‘The Qashout Mobile App’ will soon be launched in various eStores.
I have only described a few innovations, there are many more! Over the years, the company has sailed through various phases and established a good reputation. They have built a strong league of 6 million customers, which is quite an achievement! Their ideologies and strong value system have played an important role in their success. Top notch products provided by the company have a lot to do with their triumph. Their merchandise has raised the standard of living for many people and they have definitely sold a better life! Visit their pages on various social media platforms and you will understand the impact of their work.
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