QNET Scam- What you need to know
The concept of Marketing has undergone a change and has become more aggressive and prominent. The conventional ideas about marketing have becomes passé and networking is the new keyword.
The concept of Marketing has undergone a change and has become more aggressive and prominent. The conventional ideas about marketing have become passé and networking is the new keyword. Coupled with networking,

companies use direct selling which accelerates the entire process of getting the limelight on their products. Like any new trend, multilevel marketing had to face the uncertainty and doubts of people about its worthiness. Companies like QNET had to salvage their reputation due to false notions which led to the Qnet Scam. Issues like Qnet Scam brought to the fore front, the lack of awareness on people’s part about multilevel marketing. It highlighted the fact that people were unaware about the boons of direct selling. In the initial stages, it was difficult for these companies to find a strong foothold but slowly they did find the acceptance that they wished to attain. It is very important to clear the air about multilevel marketing so that people can use it for their benefits. Multilevel marketing deals with two aspects, direct selling and network marketing. In direct selling, a member of the multilevel marketing company will use a direct approach and sell the product to the consumer without indulging in advertising which saves some money and the company is promoted through word of mouth. Considering that the economy is witnessing a low phase at the moment, people become members of such multilevel marketing companies to earn an extra income and not feel an itch in the quality of their living. The best part about such a form of work is that there are no middle men who can grab a share out of anyone’s hard earned money. This form of working also encourages the birth of business men rather than working under a boss and not having the freedom that many people desire. Not all trends enjoy a good time and this is also what happened with the trend of multilevel marketing. Qnet Scam began on a small scale but later turned into something big which dampened the progress of the company and made people look at it with suspicion and questions. People need to understand that companies who are true to their purpose actually show the selling that has taken place. Most of the times this is mistaken to be like the pyramid scheme which survives on the idea of hiring and selling in its actual form, does not really happen. A boon that often goes unnoticed is the boost that multilevel marketing gives to the economy which does need a helping hand in the present time. An interesting fact about multilevel marketing is that such a form of business can be sustained only through team efforts as one person’s success depends on his or her sponsor and so on. It is very important that false claims are not made about any form of business when it is in its flourishing stage. Such claims can cause a great deal of harm to the budding company which can affect the people involved.