Having an information product is the best way to do something once and get paid for it over and over again. Discover how easy it is to make simple, yet valuable, information products that you can offer to your prospects and clients.
Having an information product is the best way to do something once and get paid for it over and over again. It is the way smart business owners and solo-preneurs stop trading time for money and start trading all that great, valuable knowledge in their heads for money!
So what exactly is an information product?
It is basically a product that relays some kind of information to people. It can be an ebook, a CD, a workbook, a how-to report, a book, a video, a whitepaper, a DVD and on and on. Really, it is only limited by your imagination, what your target audience wants and where your expertise lies.
The essence of an information product is that you take your knowledge, experience, expertise and wisdom and put it into some kind of product that you make available to as many people as possible.
So where do you start?
Here are 3 ways for you to inexpensively and quickly create an info-product:
1) Offer a teleseminar or teleclass
- record it using audioacrobat
- offer the MP3 or burn some CDs and offer it with a transcript if you want
This is a good choice if you are starting from scratch and aren't already doing any training or workshops.
2) Use an existing training program or workshop
- record the training or program and offer with or without the transcript
- if you already have a recording, then just package it up with an introduction and sell as an MP3 or CD, or as a higher end product that includes both the transcript and audio
- if you've only got the written version, record it yourself using audioacrobat
Choose this one if you are already delivering some content to people and you can take advantage of an existing program or booking.
3) Re-purpose existing articles, reports and blog posts
- collect the best ones, add an introduction and sell as an ebook
- record some of the articles and add an MP3 or CD to charge more
This is works well when you have lots of existing content (i.e. articles and blog posts) that is still relevant and "fresh".
As you can see, creating information products - especially "beginner" ones - can be inexpensive, quick and pretty painless! Take a look around your office and see what opportunities and existing information you can take advantage of to make simple, yet valuable, information products that you can offer to your prospects and clients.
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