Real leaders - things they do - part 2
Let's back to our subject about what should real leader do in his work and life. We have different things and characters that defines great leaders. Among them are:
1.Going deeper and deeper
Real leaders are constantly working on themselves and are constantly interested of people and important subjects - but not as a regular people but so curiously that they won't stop before they don't know the whole matter from the beginning to its end. They develop themselves.
2. Dreaming
Once Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Thanks to imagination really huge things can be invent and done. Real leaders dream about things that are impossible from a first sight and they focus on them and spend a lot of time to change those unreal things into a great projects that help sell better and make other things better.
3. Taking care of themselves
Being in good shape is a sign of having a self respect. You can't do amazing things when you don't feel good. Real leaders know how to eat healthy,

exercise, drink water, love nature and believe that their body is a church that can't be profane by bad food or addictions.
4. Trying to do as good as can
Real leader know that no one is perfect and no one can be perfect. So they are trying as much as they can to be as good as they can. They are doing everything as perfect as it can be, knowing the important of this. But also remembering about this perfection that can't be achieved - it gives them more power an belief in themselves.
5. They leave inheritance
Single person wants to leave something that will be remembering him when he is gone. And everyone wants to give something to the world. Those who try to ignore or deny it are not aware that they are against themselves. Real leaders newer deny it - they always do what they can to make the world a better place.