Reasons to look for a Chilled Water Dispenser in Your Office
Water is the most precious thing for us as our human body is made 70 percent of water.
A shortage of water in our body can result into serious complications if not taken considerably. Drinking water in a timely manner not only helps us keep hydrated but also in carrying out various bodily activities feasibly. A chilled dispenser is intended to make the drinking water supply interrupted to a large number of people in a place like office. This is the reason why a chilled water dispenser is needed for an office.In many countries like UK,

it is a legal requirement to provide fresh drinking water to the employees and it is a form of courtesy to offer its visitors to your place of work, especially since water is the basis for life. Although there are many other sources of water like taps, bottles, packaged water, but the water from these sources doesn’t guarantee safety and cleanliness. In such cases, a chilled water dispenser can assure safe drinking water for your employees.There are various reasons why you need a chilled water dispenser in your office. The major reason is that few employees result into diminished concentration after being dehydrated. According to several studies in world’s biggest companies like General Motors, Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson have shown that easy access to fresh drinking water at the workplace makes a considerable difference to employee morale as well as performance, assuring a good return on investment for business. Another option is to supply packaged drinking water but it will cost much expensive. So, it is always good to install a chilled water dispenser at your office premises. The temperature of the water can be controlled in some water dispensers. In order to reduce the wastage it is advised to use recyclable plastic jugs and cups.Looking for a Chilled Water Dispenser? We offer a complete range of quality vending machines to suit all business needs.