Recruiting Software in Action
Although dismissed at one point as mere applicant tracking, recruiting software has evolved to include staffing agency tools, CV tracers, social netwo...
Although dismissed at one point as mere applicant tracking,

recruiting software has evolved to include staffing agency tools, CV tracers, social networks like LinkedIn, job boards like Monster, and all kinds of audio and video platforms for presenting candidates to hiring managers.
Recruiting software will continue to evolve in 2012 and beyond especially on mobile devices. Mobile recruitment software will most certainly play an increasing role simply because the devices have become so powerful and their supporting platforms so robust. Imagine an Android app that uses the phone’s GPS to instantly show jobs available in the immediate vicinity or to show which clinic in the area is offering the best rate for an upcoming shift. Imagine a hiring manager approving a worker’s time on a tablet device as she walks the shop floor or the HR manager who posts jobs to multiple boards right from her phone.
Recruitment software will also evolve in embedded fashion, far away from the desktop or the phone. Imagine the manufacturing software system that automatically posts requirements out to temporary agencies based on the day’s projected volume. Imagine the hospital census system that self-determines the number of nurses required in the ICU and alerts available nurses accordingly.
One recruitment software company, Tempworks, allows recruiters to broadcast employment offers simultaneously via text and email. The system auto-captures worker acceptance or rejection to the offer and updates its database automatically, saving hours of time for everyone involved and assuring the end-client the best likelihood of getting the right amount of help on time.
One area of controversy for recruiting software is the debate over installed apps vs. web apps. Installed apps as the name implies are those that install on a device such as a desktop or a phone, whereas web apps are those that you access through the device’s browser.
Document management has become a crucial aspect of recruiting software as candidates are likely to find the onboarding process dramatically easier if it can be done online. Paperless staffing software makes the process easier for every one as well because documents can be retrieved at any point in the process. Many a great candidate has been lost for lack of an efficient process.
For the moment, web apps seem to have the edge since software developers can develop a single browser app with modern jQuery and somewhat comfortable that the app will work properly from the Android to the tablet to the desktop. Web apps also provide the user familiar tools like URL sharing that work similarly from device to device.
Nevertheless, others argue that installed recruitment apps will prevail because the speed of processing and improvements in storage continue to vastly outpace that of networks. The Apple iPad and Microsoft Windows8 touch devices offer huge improvements in what installed apps can do. Given all this change, the only thing that you can count on is that recruiting software will evolve every bit as quickly as the nature of work.