Runner Woman

Jul 4


john metthew

john metthew

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Athletic women and marathoners are different. They are ferocious and show a side to them that is unmatched.


The Runner Woman is a woman who can handle most all situations with a slight nod,Runner Woman Articles a woman who can juggle all the balls that life seems to throw with a fluidity that is unmistakable. The woman who runs that 5k or who is in the board room until late at night is the woman who needs to wear edgy apparel. Apparel that tells the world that she is unafraid and unashamed of who she is and what she wants.

Passionate and seemingly obsessive clothing is hard to find especially for women today. Most garments lack that spark or that dedicated approach. But women who are runners and who spend hours training for that race are looking for more than the status quo. The runner woman is looking for something that pops and something that makes the statement that she is powerful and she is strong and she is athletic. She can do anything. She can accomplish anything. The apparel that is distinctive and enthusiastic speaks to the obsessed woman and makes her feel unstoppable.

The runner woman denies all chatter that she is less than superior or less than a finalist. She shows the world and the masses that she is capable of not only running the race but finishing the race. The marathoner stands proud and stands strong against the critics who stereotype her and who falsely put her in a bubble of weakness that is unwanted. She only wants to show her enjoyment in a sport that keeps her in shape and keeps her focused on what is important. She runs not only for the love of the sport but also to maintain the physical fitness required of a busy executive or stay-at-home mom on the demand. She runs for enjoyment, she runs for satisfaction, and she runs to prove she is capable.

Wearing edgy and passionate apparel helps women of all ages proclaim their independence and their power. It shows that they are unafraid of schedules and unafraid of the hectic, crazy lives that we all seem to lead these days. Runner women shirts represent women who dominate on the course as well as in life. Being a marathoner is a vocation, a passion and wearing boring and unimaginative apparel is not indicative of the authority she represents.

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