Digital transformation is a lengthy and difficult process. It can be daunting for any enterprise to go on a journey to digitally transform their enterprise. Sometimes, the organizations don’t even have an idea about what digital transformation can offer them.
Most enterprise software vendors aggressively push new latest technology as the means to achieve digital transformation. SAP is promoting SAP Leonardo as a customer solution that could be deployed in an intelligent enterprise using the SAP cloud platform. The first step in the digital transformation roadmap for SAP S/4 HANA migration is upgrading current infrastructure to improve user experience and then provide mobile access. These steps are complex and demanding and is said to be impractical for many enterprises (especially small enterprises which have deployed on-premise SAP industry solution). Therefore, a different path has to be traversed for small industries who choose to go for digital transformation.
The few unorthodox steps that the small enterprises can take up to make digital transformation more suited and fruitful to them are:-
Moving forward with mobile without back-end upgrades:-
It is possible to upgrade to SAP Fiori user experience without back-end upgrades. This change would help in the resistance that the end-users have towards the new system and simultaneously get one step closer to the digital transformation roadmap. The users can become familiar with the next generation digital and mobile UI without having to jump from SAP S/4 HANA to SCP (SAP Cloud Platform). This move could give the users more flexibility, simplicity and better way to transition to SAP Leonardo.
Providing IOS apps for attached CRM:-
Connecting CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module with iOS apps would give a huge opportunity to improved customer master data access and hence would transform the way customer service is provided after SAP S/4 HANA migration. Customer service is definitely a crucial sector that directly impacts customer retention. Improved customer service also indirectly impacts future customer acquisition. A set of seven applications can extract data from SAP CRM system and ECC systems as an input for the iOS apps. With the apps, users can accomplish a lot of their daily tasks with fewer clicks and that would lead to increased efficiency.
Find your path to digital transformation
SAP technical services that are provided on the platform are not solutions but they are actually connectors which can be used to integrate emerging technologies from third-parties. The purpose of SAP Leonardo to give a structured but agile way to coming of age technologies is a great one but the customers should be wary of a concept that is not open to provide you the opportunity and solutions that best support specific Leonardo journey needs, but rather the path that they want you on. So, while looking at the enterprise solutions it is important to look for solutions that fit you rather than take the enterprise solution as it is.
Tips on Selling a SAP Solution Manager Project to Senior Management
The SAP Solution Manager is a tool that most employers view in a technical light. However, it can take the approach of managing a broad category of SAP managed services which makes it a very powerful tool. But when it comes to senior management, the SolMan is seen as just another monitor management system, and thus not given much importance to.SAP HANA cloud platform services
The application of IoT has truly revolutionized the face of tech based businesses. The aspects that IoT could allow enterprises to tap into gave them the opportunity to serve the 21st century demand scales. One of the major areas of IT businesses that IoT could help grow is the supply chain management process. With the help of SAP HANA cloud platform services or various other IoT based SCM tools companies are now being able to streamline their supply chains and reach out to more customers.SAP managed services and Analytical Process
The internet is a vast supplier of resources, and using these resources to find products and service providers is known as enterprise sourcing or e-sourcing. In the 21st century e-sourcing is one of the most used means of procuring services that add value to an enterprise. But is your procurement team performing up to mark? Or are they just another group of paper pushers