We live in a very fast moving society, and everything needs to be done yesterday. " I need to sell my house now, or .....!" In this period of recessio...
We live in a very fast moving society,

and everything needs to be done yesterday. " I need to sell my house now, or .....!" In this period of recession, this is the cry of many people finding it hard to keep up with the mortgage payments. The name of the game is saving time and money, and everyone wants to ensure they get the best deal for their time and effort. But sometimes I may find difficulty in selling my house for various reasons, particularly if adequate preparation has not occured.
If I want to sell my house, I will need to get good professional help to aid in the process.The reasons I have for wanting to sell my house may be many and varied, including relocation, divorce settlement, inheritance, mortgage arears etc., and I really do not want them to be a reason why a quick house sale should not occur. rather they are a motivation. So when a potential buyer comes to view my house , I want to ensure that I have the best parts of the house highlighted.
I will try to find out what the customer is looking for, and try to marry those requirements with the features of the house. Previously I will have spent time making my house look attactive, and clutter free. This will pay dividends rather than have the childrens toys strewn all over the living room floor, or the front garden looks like a rubbish dump.
A word of warning. when I sell my house, I will budget for the cost of decoration, as this cost can run away, and become more than you want it to be, thereby eating into your profits. Of course you could use an interior designer, and finding a good one normally comes through recommendation or referal, you will want to do research in this area. You could also hire in someone to help you get the house organised. This could mean organising the bathroom, basement (if you have one), closets and cupboards, the garage, and of course the attic. In fact, many people that want to move don't because of the job of cleaning out the attic!
I will then want to get a good photographer to get pictures of my great looking home. If I want to sell my house, taking picures of my property will be essential for marketing purposes, especially when advertising on the internet. Nowadays many house buyers are looking to the internet for house purchases, so by taking good pictures of you house, you immediately create a good impression with the people that view you house over the internet. Generally, if buyers are not attracted by your pictures on the web, then they are unlikely to visit you property for a viewing.
Make sure that your home is free from all the pests that will devalue your house. Mice, rats, termites, dry rot, wet rot etc. will devalue your house, and you could save yourself a few thousand if you take care of the problem before a viewing. Check the plumbing, check for water leaks, and ensure that your electricity supply and wiring is good. Again, the cost of rewiring you house may be prohibitive to a new buyer, who will give a reduced offer if the wiring is faulty.
Make your house smell nice inside and out, and share the parts of the house that you love with your potential buyers. For example, if you have a beautiful garden, then schedule your viewings for the morning, before the flowers start to wilt. The process of selling your home can be a long one, but by using these tips, you give yourself the best chance of selling your house. You will have to spend some money to get your home organised and decorated, but this expenditure, if done properly, will pay you dividends in the end.