“Fish bowls” has become a sort of generic term associated with a variety of glass and plastic containers, which makes sense if you think about it: The...
“Fish bowls” has become a sort of generic term associated with a variety of glass and plastic containers,

which makes sense if you think about it: There are several different kinds of plastic and glass containers in which you can hold fish, so it’s not unusual that people in the retail industry, as well as their customers, refer to different kinds of glass and plastic containers as fish bowls.
traditional plastic and glass containers generally have one of two designs: Traditional plastic fish bowls generally feature flat fronts and back with rounded sides, while traditional glass fish bowls are usually completely round. Of course, these two styles can flip back and forth, but these are the two styles the two different materials usually feature.
So, when it comes to choosing the best containers for your needs, how do you decide? How do you determine whether you need traditional fish bowls or other kinds of glass, acrylic, or plastic containers?
Simple. Just ask yourself the following three questions.
Question #1: Why Do I Need the Containers?
Regular fish bowl containers are excellent tools for displaying individual pieces of wrapped candy, as well as inedible items such as small children’s toys like bouncy balls and convenience items like travel-sized hygiene products, lighters, and miniature sewing kits and eyeglass repair kits.
Yet, when it comes to unwrapped edible merchandise, you should consider other kinds of containers. The best kinds of display tools for edible merchandise that isn’t wrapped include containers with lids and handles, as well as additional accessories like scoops and tongs.
Question #2: Which Container Would Work Best With My Current Display Fixtures?
Even if you’re new to the retail industry, chances are you know that many display fixtures like glass, plastic, and acrylic containers can stand alone. You can situate them on your countertops, table tops, or bars to offer additional merchandise or convenience items to your customers or collect tips.
However, if you don’t have much countertop, table top, or bar space to work with, you’ll undoubtedly use additional fixtures like display racks. If this is the case, take a look at your racks (there are many varieties) and determine which kinds of containers would work best with them: fish bowls, or another kind of glass, plastic, or acrylic bin.
Question #3: Should My Store’s Décor Play a Role?
Typically, fish bowl containers work well with any store’s décor because owners can get them in either plastic or glass. The plastic versions work well in stores that see high volumes of traffic, as they’re less likely to break, while the glass versions work well in stores that want to keep elegance and charm in their displays.
However, other kinds of plastic and acrylic containers are available in a wider variety of shapes and colors, and depending on your store you might want to look closer at those options. For example, you can find other kinds of bins in holiday-inspire shapes as well as in an assortment of fun colors – both of which help add visual appeal to your displays.