What’s the fastest route from where you are today to your ideal financial status? Becoming a “millionaire-thinker”. Now you may think this means you have to be a millionaire – you don’t! The truth is many people don’t aspire to that level of financial success – and there is nothing wrong with that.
But what does happen is entrepreneurs often feel stuck, confused and held-back from the level of wealth and freedom they deeply desire. And they turn to my coaching team to break through that barrier. What if just a few little shifts in your thinking could cause you to start creating the freedom you’ve always dreamed of?
I’m going to share with you six tips to help you transform your “stinkin-thinkin” into “millionaire-thinking” but first, we need to address three common issues that come up for every entrepreneur I know.
“Your money zone is equal to your comfort zone.”
One of the laws of wealth is that you must be willing to stretch, take risks and be bold in your vision to make the big bucks. Why? Because doing what you have always done will get you what you’ve always got. Need I say more? Yes? Ok, let me share with you a personal a-ha …
My biggest personal breakthrough in the wealth game was when I first sat down and projected my revenue. I had envisioned having an income of $200,000 the next year and when I looked at how many hours I could feasibly work, plus how much I was charging per client (back then it was $400/month), I was exasperated! I would have to coach at least 40 people each month to make my goal. That just wasn’t realistic for me. To reach my financial goals, I had to stretch beyond my comfort zone and play REALLY big. By being willing to stretch and grow, I found myself creating programs like my Business Accelerator Mastermind Program, live workshops and the ULTIMATE Wealth & Success Circle.
Going beyond my comfort zone also positioned me to help my clients in new ways so that they can catapult forward faster too. In other words, everybody wins.
“You attract the amount of wealth that your ‘container’ can hold.”
Many people walk around with damaging beliefs about money. “I’m not good enough,” “Money causes greed,” or my personal favorite, “I’m not good with money.” Hence, your money container becomes a very small espresso cup. Or worse yet, some people are like a sieve (a container with lots of holes in it.) Your money container must be big enough and a complete whole to allow massive wealth to flow in it or else it just spills out.
“Easy come, easy go.”
Unfortunately many people lose their first big money windfall because of poor accounting, broken work flow systems or lack of proper money management knowledge. When the money is there but the foundation isn’t it will just as easily leave your bank accounts.
This week I just coached one of my clients around this very issue – a broken system caused them to miss their insurance renewal and lapsed their Corporate filings and the government shut them down. Talk about a financial mastery wake up call.
Financial mastery is crucial to achieving the dream of wealth, success and freedom.
Here are six tips to align your mindset, your habits and your behaviors NOW with financial mastery.
Surround yourself with others who have it (or are getting it.) There is a saying that the money you have is the average of the five people you spend the most time with. That’s because you adapt to their thinking, their beliefs and their attitudes. Wealth breeds wealth. If you want millionaire results, start hanging out with people who have it or are creating it.
Spend it. No, I don’t mean go into debt. I mean begin to vision how you will put your wealth to work for you. How will you invest in your business? How will you give back to charities or through tithing? What rewards will you create for yourself, your family and your world? Being crystal clear about this step will make creating wealth mean something much bigger than just making money – it aligns wealth building with your values.
Conquer your inner money demons. If you have lingering issues with money, then you must resolve them in order to truly create freedom. I highly recommend doing the inner work to know that you deserve money. This is one of the areas we address for the members of The ULTIMATE Wealth & Success Circle.
Think bigger than big. Napoleon Hill states in Think and Grow Rich that great leaders became great because they developed the faculty of creative imagination. When you tap into your true creativity, big ideas, plans and goals will intuitively come to you. Be willing to play bigger (and more focused) than you ever dreamed of.
Have a system to manage it. Wealth thrives with order. Having proper systems such as a good accountant and bookkeeper, proper business structure (LLC or Corporation), and software such as QuickBooks can make a big difference as a millionaire. Can you imagine having all that money and not knowing where it is going? Yikes!
Be a millionaire-thinker now. What if you just started thinking and behaving like a millionaire would RIGHT NOW? Millionaires make decisions, focus their time and enjoy a lifestyle that supports their success. Start acting as-if you are a millionaire thinker now and attract more of that kind of success instantly. I know it works because I’ve done it.
Whether it is your dream to be a millionaire or not, I encourage you to adapt to the “millionaire-thinking” mentality. You will notice instantly that people begin to respond to you differently, that you attract into your life significant results, and people will want to know you because you will emanate success. Have fun with it – because hey, that’s what it is all about anyway!
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