Solopreneurs have unique challenges in keeping momentum going in their growing businesses, and that is knowing what to do each day. Taking action every day is the only thing that gets you closer to your goals, and here are some great tips to help you stay in momentum.
Fee Setting Tips: What Does Your Rate Say About You?
Your rate is an announcement to the world of your confidence in your skill set. Too many business owners undercharge or have no idea what to charge. I'd like to share a few tips with you regarding fee setting so that your rates attract new business and the right clients.Marketing & Mindset: 5 Essential Questions for Emerging Entrepreneurs
Where you are right now is where you have chosen to be. In planning your next steps, it is vital that you take a hard look at your mindset regarding building your business. It's no exaggeration that when I got my mind set in the right direction that clients literally started finding me.Find a Business Coach: 3 Steps to Choosing the Right One for You
When growing your business, it's important that you find support that is right for you where you are right now. I'd like to share three important criteria for finding and hiring your next business or marketing coach, teacher, or mentor so you can help more people and make more money.