Strong Locks and Good Neighbors Make Best Deterrent to Property Crime

Jan 6


Jenny Schweyer

Jenny Schweyer

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No business is immune to crimes like break-and-enters. Business owners have the right and responsibility to protect their livelihoods with the best possible commercial locks.


No business is immune to crimes like break-and-enters. Even large indoor malls,Strong Locks and Good Neighbors Make Best Deterrent to Property Crime Articles once thought of as untouchable by thieves, are increasingly being targeted for break-and-enters. Business owners have the right and responsibility to protect their livelihoods with the best possible commercial locks.

Not every lock is created equal. It’s important to choose quality lock products, since your livelihood, your stock, and possibly even your life may depend upon that one small device.

The best time to stop a break-and-enter is before it happens. Choosing products that will stop thieves dead in their tracks will preserve not only your inventory but your property too. Installing heavy-duty commercial locks lets criminals know that your doorcannot be easily tampered with. Most criminals know what kinds of locks pose a problem and which ones are easily breached. Let them know right from the start that your business isn’t a quick target.

Be sure to install a deadbolt lock on every exterior dooralong with your regular locks. When it comes to exterior doors, always choose medium to heavy duty commercial locks. It’s worth paying a little extra for stronger exterior door locks when it may save you thousands of dollars in lost inventory and property damage.

You should also consider installing medium to heavy duty commercial locks on certain interior doors too. This includes doors which enclose areas where large amounts of inventory may be contained, such as storerooms or warehouses. Doors to offices which contain electronic items like computers or which house the company safe should also have extra protection.

Strong locksare the single most important protective measure that you can take for your commercial business. Fostering good neighbor relations is the second. Get to know the businesses and owners around you. Just like knowing the neighbors where you live helps protect your home, knowing your business neighbors creates a sense of community and extra awareness of surroundings.

These tips may help you get to know the business owners and employees around your place of business:

* Introduce yourself to your immediate neighbors. It’s pretty simple, but it makes a big difference. Pop in to the businesses on either side of you, across from and behind you and say hi. Track down the owner/manager and make a point to remember his/her name (write it down if you need to.) Chat about how business is going, and find out what security measures neighboring businesses have in place.

* Join a business organization. Many cities have local business associations. Not only are these great networking tools, they provide a forum for sharing information on local crime and for exchanging helpful security tips. Joining your local Chamber of Commerce can also be helpful.

* Start a business network. If there isn’t a business association in your area, start one. It can take time, but you’ll probably find that it’s well-worth the effort.

* Get to know the regulars who patrol your area of business.  This includes security guards and the companies that employ them, and police officers (especially those who are specifically assigned to your “beat.”)  Invite them for coffee and establish personal relationships if possible.  The better those who protect you know you, the more “personalized” your business becomes to them.