Stucco Exteriors Have Pros and Cons
Whether you are looking for a new home, or just a new exterior for your old house, you should consider stucco exteriors. If you like the look, you should learn the pros and cons of this material before going with it as an exterior for your house.
Many modern houses have stucco exteriors,

but like any material, not everyone likes this look. Before you buy a new home, you should think about the pros and cons of this kind of material. The advantages and disadvantages do not just stop at the appearance of this type of surface, so be sure to find out the details about its durability, ease of application, and maintenance requirements.
One of the main advantages of stucco exteriors is their durability. During the application process, another layer is added to the structure, further protecting the home from the elements and the issues that come with aging. This is because this popular material is actually made of rock, at least if you get the cement type rather than the synthetic kind. It is no wonder, then, that it is considered fireproof. Clearly, adding another layer to your house has its advantages when it comes to durability.
In addition, it tends to be considered maintenance free, as you can just apply it and occasionally check for cracks in it. Another benefit is its ability to insulate the structure a bit more than the houses that lack a layer of this substance. Of course, the appearance is also thought of as a benefit for many people, but only if you like this look. It tends to be most popular in the south and on western coast, particularly on newer homes.
On the other hand, stucco exteriors are usually costly, so make sure the benefits are worth the high price to you. Additionally, this material is hard to apply to the structure, as it is messy, so do not think you can save money applying it on your own unless you are knowledgeable about it and ready to spend time cleaning it up afterward.
Aside from the high cost and tendency to be messy, this substance has a few other disadvantages. For example, it usually gets cracks in it over time due to expansion. It takes several years for this to occur, and it is easy to patch up the cracks, but this is a drawback nonetheless. Just be prepared to either hire someone to fix the cracks every few years, or learn how to do it yourself. You should also be aware that stucco exteriors are not to be applied to brand new houses since they need some time to settle, so be sure that your new home was given the time it needed before having this substance added.
Many homes boast this feature, and it may even add to the value, which can be advantageous when you sell it in the future. However, like other materials, it is not perfect so be sure the attractive appearance is worth the drawbacks for you. While this substance is generally low maintenance and durable, you will have to fill in cracks occasionally, and can expect to pay more upfront than for many other house exteriors. If you are not prepared for such disadvantages, check out other materials for your house.