Swansea Photographer: How To Deliver A Professional Service
Well known Swansea Photographer Collin Davies of HighSociety Photography continues to hit the headines.Although he has always produced photographs of ...
Well known Swansea Photographer Collin Davies of HighSociety Photography continues to hit the headines.Although he has always produced photographs of qualityCollin's work really sprung to life with the commencement ofdigital photography. Continuing to capture the same highstandard images he learnt how to alter the initial imageusing software and discovered he could produce some stunningresults for his customers.You have to remember that Collin was already an awardwinning photographer before the arrival of digital but hefell in love with this new medium straight away and was oneof the earliest users of Adobe Photoshop attendingspecialized lectures learning how to get the most from thisnew software.Happy to capitalise and improve his studios Collin soon hadthe latest hardware and software fitted in High Society'sstudios. A quick learner he was soon producing stunningimages that he could enhance using the Adobe software andwas presenting new and exciting images to his clients. He has long been one of the most successful and soughtafter wedding photographers in the Swansea and South Walesarea and digital photography has allowed him to push theboundaries where conventional photography was inhibitive.Euipment using film had long been a problem due to the poorlighting within a church and the restrictive use of flash.Kodak was one of the first companies to create a weddingphotographers dream camera which was well suited to the poorlighting conditions found in most churches and being someonewho wanted the best results for his clients it wasn't longbefore High Society purchased this new equipment.Being a Swansea photographer of vast experience Collinunderstands that modern day customers demand more than aphoto,
they want to be thrilled and his continual upgradingof hardware and software gives him the opportunity tooverdeliver.For the professional photographer taking photographs hasbecome more than just taking a set of photographs andpresenting them to the client.Top end cameras can now be connected directly to thestudios computer system resulting in an immediate imagebeing presented. A quick diagnosis of the image can thendone and adjustments made for the final great photograph.After the picture has been produced a whole range of thingscan be done from altering the image using software to thefinal media on which it will be stored, everything frompaper to iPods.In the past the photographer would have taken a series ofphotos, presented proofs, customer decides which proofs andwhat sizes, photographer provides finished photos, end ofprocess.Nowadays there is a choice with everything from traditionalmedia such as printed photographs to compact disc and highend studio's such as High Society have the hardware andsoftware to project your image and choice of frame onto thewall allowing you to select the desired final end productbefore its even produced!Looking to find the best deal for a Swanseaphotographer, then visitwww.highsocietyphotography.co.uk to find the best advice on
photographers in Swansea.