Anxiety Cures: Curing Anxiety Attacks At The Source
Here's a question for you.Are you emotionally and physically disturbed?If your answer to the question is "Yes", then it is blatantthat something unusu...
Here's a question for you.Are you emotionally and physically disturbed?If your answer to the question is "Yes",
then it is blatantthat something unusual is happening to you emotionally whichin turn is affecting you physically. The word anxiety has many different definitions listed inthe various dictionaries but a two word definition may be"extreme fear".This chronic condition gives rise to a feeling ofapprehension in a person and produces physical signs with ashortage of breath or trouble breathing, a racing orirregular heart beat, the feeling that you need to urinateall the time and generally feeling totally stressed.Anyone suffering from this kind of mental disorder needs tobe aware that this is not a condition that can be ignored aslack of treatment will allow the condition to become achronic illness and having fear and anxiety affect each dayof their life.With modern research and modern equipment many researchersand scientists believe they now understand the root causesof anxiety and anxiety disorders. Their research has ledthem to the conclusion that the root causes may be due toyour hereditary, past experiences, your own personality andbrain chemistry.1. Hereditary - there is clear evidence that anxietydisorders run in families. If one identical twin has ananxiety disorder, the second twin will more likely have ananxiety disorder than non-identical twins. It clearlysuggests that a genetic factor, possibly activated incombination with life experiences, increases the chancesthat some people will have these disorders. 2. Brain Chemistry - because symptoms of anxiety disordersare often relieved by medications that alter levels ofchemicals in the brain, scientists believe that brainchemistry appears to play a role in the beginning of anxietydisorders.3. Personality - ongoing research has shown thatpersonality can have a definite affect on who is is likelyto develop an anxiety disorder with people who have lowself-esteem or find dealing with difficult situations themore susceptable.4. Life Experience - Ongoing studies by researchers areshowing some interesting results when they compare cases ofanxiety disorders and discover that many have been exploitedor abused and it would seem that a person's life experiencecan have a direct affect.With this unfavorable mind troubling disease, anxiety curesare available to help bring balance and control to people'slives. There are well known and very successful naturaltreatments that are achieving well over a 90% success rate.Want to find out more about anxiety cures,then visit for information on how tochoose the best anxiety cure foryour needs.